Monday, March 28, 2011

Wow! 4am is really early or really late, depending on how you look at it, kind of day...

I got up early today at 4am - so I could get ready and get to work by 6am - and I still don't know if this means I got up really early, or was this considered really late...either way, I am tired, and mixed up on sleeping times...  I got up early YESTERDAY so I would be tired enough to go to sleep early last night, so I could get up this morning, and work.  I have no idea what I just said.

I am so mixed up, and it's only Monday morning.  I will work 9 to 4pm tomorrow, then do the same thing again on Wednesday, but a twelve hour shift.  I was looking forward to Thrusday morning, but realized that I will have to get up early to drive my husband, my friend, my soul mate to the airport by 730am - which means getting on the road around 5am!  On my day off!  Not thrilled, as the next day - yep, back to work on that Friday and for another twelve hour shift.  Then I am planning on driving to Woodhaven (where that is I have no idea because 'down river' means nothing to me! I assume Detroit River is the river they are talking about) for the Crop Weekend with my sister Pat, Carol, and niece Cherie.

I am tired already and it is only Monday.  Oh, why didn't I sleep in more when I was off work?  I still have hours yet to catch up on - from my prior sixteen odd years on midnights.  Ok, yeah, I know.  You can never get caught up, but I could hope...  Anyway, I will be sleeping a lot this week, and then maybe next week I will be more on target - 2 eight hour shifts, and 2 twelve hour shifts with Friday off - I can do that!  Although, I will be going with my sister Barb to the U of M for her first chemo this time around - I am not missing it - she is too important to me. And I obsess if I'm not there...

The puppies were very excited to see me when I got home today, and after dinner, they both began to do the normal MORNING routine, and it was dinner time.  Already they are mixed up - but hopefully I can get them into some kind of schedule - as well as myself.  For now, I need a nap before I go to sleep...but I WILL write atleast a chapter before I pass out each day - it is my GOAL, like a promise to myself, and a goal of end of April to get it done, edited and published!  Better to give myself a few weeks to get used to no sleep while I am orientating, so I can hit the goal - a reasonable goal I might add, end of April, but aim to complete it before!

D M Wiseman, tired, wondering where the week has gone already, published author...

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