Monday, March 21, 2011

All five of my books are in the premium catalog...kind of day...

I just looked at my 'dashboard' at the and all five of my books are in the premium catalog!   That means my last two books will be shipped within a few weeks to all the eReader venues!  I am excited beyond words.  The first book went up pretty quickly, and the second, then third took longer, but let me tell you this last two, really made my day!!!  I am so happy for myself - proud and to be honest - I like the validation.

The first three were already on the Barnes and Noble site - that is so cool by the way - so cool that I look at the site everyday.  I'm my biggest fan!  I found out recently that people actually read my blog.  My son S, both my sisters, and my famous sister in law Holly along with two others, I have no idea who they are - and they don't put down their name, or comment, so I'll just say 'Hi!' and thank them.  I also want to mention that I am so thankful that the affore mentioned Holly's mom (and dad) are home from their nightmare vacation - getting stuck in The Dominic Republic when mom got sick on a cruise.  Nothing makes you appreciate the good ol' USA than getting sick some where else!  Gives my husband, my friend, my soul mate more fuel for his fire - never leaving the country!

Today, I started my new job, and sat through 8 hours of lectures.  I have four more days this week, and then next week as well, before I go on my unit next Friday.  I would rather be on the unit now, and on midnights, but gotta do the time to learn the system first.  So far, everyone has been so nice, very welcoming, and positive.  One of my friends works midnights, so I look forward to working with her!  I will feel better when I work with someone I know...but I met a good bunch of people...

I didn't get any writing done today, but I snuggled with my babies, and played 'Keep away' with the lion that my son St bought the puppies at Christmas.  It's really a well loved toy (meaning ripped up really good) and now they are begging for food from my husband (etc) because they are spoiled rotten puppies.  They don't beg at the table, but its open season, if you eat in front of the TV... they'll get a bite, because we are bad parents and feed them bites of people food on the occasion.  S and V don't feed Leo any people food, which makes it hard when he comes to play.  But, we recognize their wishes...he gets a lot of cookies instead!

I will try to write tomorrow, but it's the day I find out if the spider is a fly, or a spider...or maybe a different bug all together.  I'm praying for the fly, but the U/S results make me lean towards the spider...when you are a nurse, you should never read the radiology results before you see the surgeon... so I will write and blog more tomorrow.  Right now, I am too tired to even finish watching the American Pickers...

D M Wiseman, published author of five books in the Premium Catalog and going strong, author...

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