Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Scary Wednesday that just will not quit... kind of day...

My famous sister in law Holly's mom whom I love like my own, and has been my children's 'Aunt' and besides that is awesome!  Is sick.  Not just sick - but in the Dominic Republic and sick.  We are all having nightmares that are happening for real!  Dad can't speak Spanish, Mom can't speak Spanish and apparently, none of the medical personnel in that hospital can speak English!  So she is down there, and we can't get her home.  She was supposed to come home with a RN today - but that nurse was robbed by a cab driver and can't bring her home (having a hard time figuring out THAT correlation).  So, she is still there!  The US Embassy and the Consulate said to Holly - get her out of there.  We are trying really hard.  Help!  And, besides that, we don't even know what is wrong - can't get anyone to tell us - in English.  Prayers please...

I got up and took a shower, freaking a bit when the door that I know I shut, opened and a deep breather came in.  Thank God I know who that was!  Boomer was awake and wondering why I was in the shower this early.  I wondered, too.  I have an errand to do, before I spend some time with the a fore mentioned famous Holly.  Then, off to a dinner with S, V, and my husband, my friend, my soul mate to celebrate his birthday late, and see S and V's pictures of Jamaica... and to celebrate V's great news of having a JOB and in MICHIGAN - she was interviewing everywhere and I was a bit worried it would be in Nebraska or Arizona.  I would visit - a lot! but still not the same as having your kids in the same state.  She deserves a great job, so I am so happy for her - and happy for us as well - that she is in Michigan.  A sigh of relief for both a job (I was very sure that she would of course, be snatched up instantly - she is awesome!) and in Michigan...

My worst fear though is spiders.  Don't you hate it when you know it's a fly on the ceiling, and still you freak thinking it's a spider?  I am having that kind of a day... the potential 'spider' is upon me and even though I know it will be a 'fly' I am still having a hard time.  I couldn't sleep, I am having a full blown anxiety attack, and really wish I could have a drink, but I don't drink and drive...I also don't drink that often.  But it would give me a nap...

One fear - that Nebraska would be my next vacation is gone, second fear is for my Penny in Dominic Republic and needs to be home TODAY is still ongoing, and my own 'spider'.  I can't kill it yet.  Maybe later today...In the mean time, no writing today, as I will be out of the house most of the day... but I have a lot of car time, so watch out characters, I will be thinking up my new and potential wonderful novel...

D M Wiseman,  hopefully killer of at least one spider today, published author of five novels ...

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