Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hump day but not for me...

Today is Wednesday, which people call 'Hump day' because it is the hump to get over before you get to the weekend.  I always thought it meant something else altogether, but now I get the 'middle' thing.  I really do, and I don't like it.  Not this week, not for me, anyway.

I have always had weird working patterns, shift work, weekends, 12 hour shifts, etc cause you to have weekends in the middle of the week (if you look at the week as a rigid calendar) but when my husband, my friend, my soul mate's calendar for work was always a 6 day with repeat - 24 hour shift on, 24 hour shift off, 24 hour shift, 72 hours off.  It was very simple to figure out, but if you didn't live it - it was hard to imagine. 

I worked between his shifts, so we didn't have a lot of babysitters and no daycare.  We were lucky (and St and S were too, because they had one of us home with them everyday) in that way.  So now, 5 days a week IN A ROW working, I am having a really hard time with.  I am messed up, while on orientation.  Once I am on my shift, and get some kind of a schedule (for me, that is) then I will find some kind of peace.  And hopefully sleep!

I will take my husband, etc to the airport in the am, come home and nap - then spend some quality time with my puppies.  I will spend a good part of the day writing for my goal of finishing my novel by the end of April as well!.  I really have a good train of thought going and will take the characters to the end soon.  I feel good about it.  Really.  I can't wait until I can get back on the computer to write, but first - I really have to sleep...

D M Wiseman,  sleepy once again, and no end in site, published author...

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