Saturday, March 26, 2011

I can't believe I didn't blog kind of day...

My husband, my friend, my soul mate is a maniac when it  comes to cleaning.  I, on the other hand, am not.  He has always been that way, and I learned long ago to get out of the way, and just let him clean.  In fact, I haven't really cleaned the bathroom in years.  He does that cleaning.  I kind of got mad one day when my mom was coming to visit, and I cleaned one of our two (at the time) bathrooms and he went right behind me to 'clean it better' - the last time I cleaned any bathroom.  He has a way of cleaning, and I didn't quite do it 'his' way... So, I am perfectly happy NOT cleaning bathrooms.  So, today, was for cleaning, and I didn't blog!  This cannot happen.  I cannot not do my job.  But, I digress...

I do most of the grocery shopping and most of the laundry (he has a tendency to wash and dry almost EVERYTHING which means my things get shrunk.  So, it's an even trade off for the whole bathroom thing.  I don't feel bad that way.  But, we trade off in the cooking department.  I do most of the dinners, and on weekends, he makes great breakfasts.  We work have worked out everything pretty well, give and take, he does this, I do that, and we love each other.  The boys St and S have learned to do both what I do, and what the dad does.  This way, they will make the best husbands and partners.  It's a win win situation.

I am pretty happy with the way we have lived our lives, and I am happy with how our boys have turned out.  And we really love each other, all of us.  I know we did good.

Our puppies are thrilled tonight as S and V came over bringing their puppy Leo and since dinner, there has been nothing but our of control playing.  Boomer is tired, due to the amount of meds he is on, but he's getting his licks in - and we got to see St and K for dinner as well.  Then we went to see the play at Romeo High School, "Beauty and the Beast" - it was very well done.  I love that play, as well as the Disney movie.  Gotta love the songs, too. 

I love sappy love stories, loved the made for TV show (you know the underground 'beast' and Linda Hamilton character that barely speaks and always looked like she was going to cry)/  The whole beast and beauty thing has always makes me want to write a story like that, with a man that is not 'perfect' like all leading men are - OR better yet - make it the woman not perfect, and have a drop dead gorgeous man fall for her!  Even better.  Now I am thinking...and I will have to write that one too...

I will begin to outline that story line, and see where it takes the mean time - I need to finish the one I'm writing, and the other one that I started, and really need to finish, and THEN write this new one that's in my mind... along with the three others that I have jotted down to think about...but one at a time...

D M Wiseman,  thinking of too many things, not finishing anything, but still, a published author...

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