Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday morning and having a jammie day with the dogs...

I got home yesterday and my husband, my friend, my soul mate had been very busy while I was in GR having the biggest celebration in our family, in quite awhile.  So, I was going to do laundry, vacuum and you know, clean the place up - my usual stuff to do on Mondays.  But, he did the laundry, vacuumed and the house is very clean - so now I find my Monday can be an author's dream - write until I have to get dressed and fix something for dinner.  Like 9 hours from now!  9 hours of writing, with a little In and Out game, but mostly writing.

So, I intend to write all day, to get my other book edited as Rita T in California, the most awesome cover artist - made another perfect cover for that book, and now it needs to be published!  As I fix it up, and get it ready today, I will snuggle with the snoring Boomer, the sleeping Gracie and bad TV softly in the background - right now its a rerun of MIB 2 - and it just gets worse as it goes...but - my favorite part is the locker world in the train station, what can be better?  Or maybe its the $1 Cambodia Lobster dinner scene - that's good too.

As I start to edit my book, I realize that tomorrow is February 1st and now I will need to get going on my Valentine Cards as well - they need to be put together, and sent out - by this weekend.  Because I am going to the Scrapbook Emporium's Garage Sale - meaning all kinds of stuff other people don't want or don't use, is on sale.  Since I am a new 'scrapper' I just might need some of their know, just in case I need to buy something for my Easter Cards, that I intend to start on and by the way it takes me months to make a few cards - I should start right after the Valentine cards get done...

D M Wiseman, getting a little behind in my writing, but gonna catch up this week I swear, author...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Up and ready for the long ride home from the party of the century...

I was up and ready for the long ride home today from GR, but couldn't get on the internet - low battery and a brother in law that wanted to 'get on the road'. We had a great time at Jerry's party. He was very happy to have the all of us there - really fun time visiting with family until it ended at 4pm, but we didn't leave the K of C hall (again - not the fried chicken place, the Knights of Columbus Hall) until 630pm. We just moved into the bar and continued having a celebration - yeah that's what I'll call pitchers of beer etc (I had a soda!). Lots of laughter, loud, but fun.  When we get together its definitely loud.

My mother loved the 'books' I printed for her, and was praised for bringing them.  She went on and on about how her 'daughter' is published on eBay - not publishing eBooks.  She was a bit confused.  She doesn't see the difference, and I tried hard to explain, but she was not getting it, and I finally gave up, and let her go on about eBay.  One day, maybe she'll understand...and I'll be rich. Yeah, that will happen.  But I digress...

So, after the waitress kept asking us if we were 'done yet?' we moved the party to our hotel and moved it into the restaurant to have dinner as well - hey Fillet and Lobster for $22 bucks can't be all bad, so we thought.  Well it was barely ok, and since we all were hungry, we ate and talked and laughed.  And the Key Lime Tarts were awesome for desert, which made up for the over-cooked Lobster.  We were not as loud, but we did have a good time...

The drive home was long, uneventful, and yet we, the three sisters, Pat, Barb, and myself talked the whole way, while simultaneously looking through magazines, and rehashing the party.  Who said what, who is fighting with who, and when we will get together again.  My cousins have decided to get together every other month to have at least dinner - so we are not always seeing each other at funerals - we need to do this to keep up on our ever changing lives, and not all of us can be at every meeting, so it works out.  Next month we will be meeting closer to home, as this month was not counted in our calendar, because it was an 'extra'.  We are all for extra meetings.

I will now get back to my normal schedule of writing, as well as snuggling with my dogs, my husband, my friend, my soul mate as well as to try and get my next novel finished 'Merry's Plan' - I decided on the name and will maybe stick to this time - and as well, hopefully finish it by the end of the week.  The one being edited, "The Usual Reasons' will go up for publication this week.  Onward and outward...and I will continue to write...

D M Wiseman, paid published author, who is alittle behind in my writings...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Writing a little late due to the day long party in GR...

Today, I went along with my sister Barb, sister Pat and her husband Rick, who drove us to our cousin Jerry's retirement (and birthday) party - he had worked for the railroad his entire career - can you believe it?  He is one of my favorite cousins, and we always have so much fun when we all all get together.  Loud, but definitely have a lot of fun.

We had a party for about a hundred people, at a KofC hall - which is a Knights of Columbus, not a fried chicken place...and when the party was over, we took it into the bar - not the whole party, just about a handful of cousins.  We then, took it back to the hotel, and whittled it down to 12 of us, where we proceeded to eat at the restaurant and have a great time.  We were supposed to all go to the bar after, but we were getting a little tired, and decided to call it a night.  We are supposed to all meet for breakfast, and again, get together for more food and fun.

It was nice to see my Aunt and Uncle, along with my cousins as well as their kids, my son S and V as well as the cousin's kids that just keep getting bigger and bigger.  They get older too - why are we always  so shocked to find that they grew, and got older, yet we don't feel it - or don't realize we do too.  And why does that happen?  I know I am getting older, but when it comes to my Aunt and Uncle, or even my mom - they still treat us like we are children.  It is a national phenomenon - and I for one have decided to hate it.

And I will digress here, but why is it at a hotel, parents can let children act like, um, put a 'bad child word here' - because this hotel let an entire hockey team run up and down the hall, their little sisters run around the hallway out side our room, and don't seem to have the kids in check?  Oh, probably because all the parents are at the other end of the hall, in the hallway - eating and drinking while the kids are running around being 'insert bad child word here' again.  This was a momentarily digression that needed to be said...

My husband, my friend, my soul mate is by himself, as he stayed home, and taking care of my babies - the famed dogs, Gracie and Boomer.  They are all snuggled in with the dad and hopefully playing the In and Out game, as well as It's Mine - so he can have their full attention for an entire 24 hours.  He thinks that I exaggerate...

So, driving home tomorrow, we again, the three sisters will be talking up a storm, while Rick drives us back across the state to our respective homes.  I, of course, will then have to drive home from Barb's house to mine, another hour and a half, not too bad - good character building time.  I can do it.  Then, I will be able to see St when he comes for dinner.

This was why I didn't write a word of my novel, but I did get my blog written, sitting in the room, listening to the 'insert bad child word here' running up and down the hallway.  Maybe I should call the manager, and thus have the parents busted...

D M Wiseman, paid published author that is all 'familied' out...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Metro Run a success - family intact once again...

Last night I drove in a snow storm the last leg of my Metro run and picked up my husband, my friend, my soul mate!  Finally, he is back on MI soil, or MI snow as we have no ground showing right now...  But, he is home.  Actually, he's at work, after at quick sleep of less than 6 hours.  But, he's home safe and sound.

I am writing with my dogs, relieved that the Metro run was successful, and happy to have my family intact.  I picked my husband, friend and soul mate up a little late as his flight was made to circle a few times, which caused a small delay, and finally landed at 9:30pm.  I had to do the loop quite a bit, because every other flight was late as well, and all of those flights must have landed at the same time because the Domestic Arrival area was like a parking lot.  The cars were doubled parked - to the sixth row, and even the cops couldn't get through to give tickets - so I went up to the Departure area and picked him up right at the curb.  McN terminal at Metro was poorly planned out to say the least...

The dogs and I are all snuggled in, and writing once again.  I'm excited that tomorrow, I am going to my cousin's retirement party (as well as a milestone of a birthday!) and going to see most of my side of the family.  S and V are coming but St is going to be taking his awesome photo's at the PBR - Professional Bull Riding thing and will be unable to go to GR.  But, it is always a Party (with a capital P), when our Irish family gets together - we have the party, then some of us are going out to dinner, then the bar to celebrate, and finally Sunday morning, breakfast to say goodbye. 

Its like a 24 hour party - and my husband, my friend, and soul mate, after all this time, still doesn't know all my familiy member's names!  He'll say "is that the red haired guy?"  which makes me laugh - we are IRISH, and almost all of us have red hair (or did, as red haired people go grey)!  He came from a small family - he has only five first cousins.  FIVE!  One of my Aunt's had 9 kids all by herself (well I'm sure my uncle had something to do with it!)!  But, he doesn't get it.  And all of my cousins had kids, and they are having kids... we multiple, we Irish he can't figure out who is who...but I digress...

I am seeing my mother - the one that until recently, had a rotary dial phone (to those who do not know, equate it with at 5 inch floppy disc - or with 8 track tapes...) and will be giving her actual copies of my three books that are published.  Yes, I said hard copies.  I went to Kinko's and made them.  The covers, by the way, look awesome - thank you Rita T from California, my wonderfully talented cover artist.  So, I will hand my mother three books, well actually papers in a 3 ring binder, which is far cheaper than getting actually bound books.  Maybe when I make some money, I'll get actual bound copies made for my book shelf...

I am taking my computer with me and hopefully the battery lasts the three hour trip to GR, so I can get some writing done on the way.  I will, of course re-read what I compose on the way, because I will be in a vehicle driven by my brother in law Rick, with Pat and Barb (my two wonderfully awesome sisters that I love! as well as Pat's husband the affore mentioned Rick) and we will probably talk the entire time!  We do that, and it irritates Rick - which makes us do it more - it's our job in life to irritate Rick.  It's fun - I'll tell you all about it, well not all about it, but the highlights. 

So, tomorrow and Sunday, I will try to write, but I cannot be held accountable for the content, as since I am not the designated driver...and will be drinking on Saturday (which means one, maybe two drinks as I don't drink often, and not very well - I well, I just fall asleep so the price of alcohol at bars - is lost on me) and I'll be very tired on Sunday.  And might have laryngitis from talking too much, too loud, as well as the laughing!

D M Wiseman, paid published author who has her husband back from his trip from hell (or heaven - where ever snow comes from)...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Again, no Metro run...on a snowy Thursday morning...

My husband, my friend, my soul mate is trapped on the East Coast due to snow - he went on Tuesday - the first run in my Metro excursions - and was snowed in last night.  So I stayed home with my dogs, waiting until they dig out their world in NJ.  They didn't - they got more snow.

I got up this morning to a snowy rural outside - it's beautiful! except its heading towards the East Coast - and they got some 17 inches overnight in NJ and caused the husband, friend, soul mate's flight out this morning to be cancelled . He says maybe he can get a flight out tonight - but we're getting snow here now and the flights might be cancelled due to that!  And if he doesn't get out then, they're supposed to get more snow overnight, into the morning, and then those flights will be cancelled as well...He could have driven home by now (except the snow is too deep and causing back ups on the expressways)...

He's not a happy camper in NJ.  He only had enough clothes for an overnight trip.  No book to read, no work to do, no computer to work on, and no me.  He can't even get to the casino's in Atlantic City to gamble (if he gambled, which he doesn't) so he is bored!  He is not happy doing nothing.  Unlike me - I would be all snuggled in the hotel, getting room service (one of my favorite things to indulge in, next to going to the spa!) and watching TV.  So, hopefully he'll come home tonight - and I'll make the Metro run for the 942pm arrival time.  I'm betting he's going to be a NJ man for one more night...but he is on the way to the airport right now(or trying to anyway - it took him 3 hours last night, and he was going the speed limit - he's going 15mph per his last phone call!).   hopefully there will be flights leaving Newark and he can get a flight out to anywhere.  I hope he's not gong to be sleeping at the airport tonight, and be even more BORED.  Althougth in an airport, it's the best place to people watch (another fun thing to do...) but he jsut glares at the flight boards daring them to change...Let's just hope he can get a flight out to somewhere and then fly home here.   He needs to get out of NJ...

I wrote last night until 2am - or is that considered this morning, if you haven't gone to bed yet?  What ever.  I am up and writing again, until I get the call to head out in this snow, to go on my long two hour run to Metro.  Maybe I will anyway, I love to people watch...but due to security, I can't get through, and will just be forced to do the loop - going around arnd around the McN terminal...yeah, that's not fun.  I think I'll wait for the call to come and get him...

So, I will sit and write until the NJ bored man calls and lets me know what is up, what is happening and what time he's leaving - if he is able to leave and come home to me...

D M Wiseman, paid published author, and might be snowed in with the dogs again...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wednesday and I'm still in PJ mode, until atleast 430...

After taking my husband, my friend, and my soul mate on the first run in the Metro excursion, I immediately got into my PJ's and started as much of a PJ day I could get out of the rest of Tuesday.  I was trying to write but Gracie (who has recovered from the four days with Leo and the world of 'Dog Park' land) was trying to get Boomer (who finally woke from his nap) to play, but still not quite up to it.  There was the In and Out game going on, but still not as intense as when Leo is here.  I don't think Gracie can last until Spring Break when Leo comes back for about 9 or 10 days while S and V are off to Jamica.  I never go anywhere, kind of depressing, actually.  But I do get to drop people off at the airport a lot...

This morning I am having my tea, snuggled with Boomer on my right arm (I moved the mouse to the left, and am doing pretty good using my left hand...) and Gracie across the floor, softly snoring.  I like it - the entire normalcy of it all.  That is, until they wake up and want to go out again...

My famous sister in law Holly read the second book that I wrote, so I gave her the third to read.  It's a good one, but would she tell me if she didn't like it?  Not sure but so far, she likes my books.  I think I need someone completely a stranger to me, to validate that my book is half way ok.  Can someone review my book please?  I just need to know if I am wasting my fingers here...

This day - in my PJ's - writing the last in the trilogy of Pretty Marsh novels, I will attempt to get a good chunk done, before I have to get dressed, and do the last run to Metro...after having dinner with my sister Pat.  She lives close to Metro, so I will spend time with her and her boys (two adorable cats - I love cats, but my dogs play with toys that sound like the cats, so no cats at our house...) before going off to Metro.  It's a good arrangement, in case Delta/Northwest changes his arrival time again. 

D M Wiseman, paid published author, in my PJ's writing away to finish the next best novel...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tuesday's PJ day cancelled due to a Metro run but after that ! Weeeee...

So my PJ day is husband, my friend, and soul mate needs a ride to the airport today.  I have to do a Metro run - but first I drive an hour to pick him up, then drive an hour to Metro, before the nearly two hours back home to the dogs.  Hey!  I can get a lot of good story line going in that four hour span...

This morning, I got up to the normal - Gracie waking me before the alarm, because she's a dog, and she can bash open the bedroom door to tell me that she wants out.  It's not like she has to go - she just went two hours ago.  No, she sees the sun coming up and it means the In and Out game has begun!  Boomer looked at her as if to say 'seriously?" and went back to snoring.  Ah, normalcy.  Until I have to leave to do the above  mentioned gas guzzling Metro run.

No worries!  Then tomorrow, I will only have to do it in reverse, again at dinner time...but I can write in between and be in my PJ's that whole time.  It will not be exactly the same, but I will give it my best writer's really, its not a big deal, and on the way home tonight, I'm buying PF Chang's for dinner, so it's all good.

And I am still a paid published writer who writes best in the late hours at night, so I will still get my words in...watching what I want to watch, no channel surfing unles  I feel like it, and definitely no "How it's made" or "Holmes on Homes" and definitely NO "Dirty Jobs" for me - I may just break out the chic flics!

D M Wiseman, paid published author and chauffeur for the next two days...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday in MI - snowing again and going to visit the nephew...

Today it is minus 4 degrees at my house.  Yes - colder than yesterday, snow is falling softly on the rural area I live in and I am sitting watching only one of the dogs sleeping.  Boomer hasn't moved since I went to bed last night.  He is still snoring, exhausted after the last few days playing with Leo.  All three of the dogs played non-stop for three days.  Gracie hasn't even come down stairs since last night, after dinner.  She is still sleeping on the antique fainting couch - her favorite place to sleep. 

Since my fourth book is being edited, which is good, because my head already on to something else..I am already into my fifth story...

I was calm - like after the storm yesterday, when I received a email from that someone had bought my book!   Yeah!  Someone, I have no idea who, bought my "Bryn's Family Plan" off of the site.  I am an actual published author that is now making money!  It's not much actually, but its a start.  It's a great boost to my ego, to know someone I have no contact what so ever with - bought my book!

So, I started the last in the series of the Pretty Marsh Trilogy.  I drove half way to MSU to take Leo home, and let me tell you a secret about long drives.  People think you are talking on your cell phone, I talk out my series, my plots, my characters conversations and occasionally talk on my cell.  Long drives are never a problem for me.

I am into this last one and hope to get a good amount of writing in the next three days.  My husband, my friend, my soul mate is working late tonight - don't you love after hours meetings?  They add on another 5 or so hours to his already 10+hrs day.  Then, tomorrow he's off to New Jersey - but will be home on Wednesday.  So I will be taking a PJ day tomorrow, and write all day long - while watching bed TV.  A great way to spend a cold, winter day...

Today, I will be interupting my writing to go to my famous sister in law Holly's to spend some time with her, as well as the awesome wrestler John, that is recovering from the attach of the broken ankle... To give some assistance, to let Holly do some errands, and maybe scrap a bit.  We'll see how the time goes.  But, it's always great, to see family! no matter what you do...

D M Wiseman, 'paid' published author of three, almost four, and going for five...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ecstatic about B&N exposure, and third book published or just a normal Sunday ...

It's zero degrees out - yeah I really mean zero, and not the minus 8 degrees when you add in the wind chill - it's really zero out.  But, I'm in my house, all warm and cosy with an extra dog until this afternoon.  Believe it or not, they are all napping, without being separated - it only took three days, and now this afternoon, Leo is going back home.  S and V were skiing and they're coming home today - nothing broken, and all fun'd (is that a word?) out...

I am happy.  I am ecstatic.  I am off the wall excited.  I've got B&N exposure!  If you go on - search nookbooks and search for "Bryn's Family Plan"  you will actually find my book!  I have been looking every day - not that I was impatient or anything, just needed to see that it was actually going to be out in cyberspace for anyone to buy!  So I've been looking every day, and (yeah!) finally it was up last night!  Yeah to me!

I emailed my sisters, and sent out texts to my kids...then I showed my husband, my friend, my soul mate every other minute, until he said stop.  I just needed someone - preferably a girl type - to squeal for me.  I wanted validation - you know, squeals! 

I got up this morning, and there they were - 'squeals' on my email from my wonderful sister Pat as well as my wonderfully healthy sister Barb.  Holly sent me a text back and my niece Cherie posted the B&N site on her facebook site.  Squeals in technology and cyberspace is good enough for me!

So, I finished another book last night, or early this morning - depending on what you call 2am when you haven't gone to bed yet.  So, I will have it edited, get a hold of my cover artist Rita T in California to put my thoughts on the cover - its not the third in the trilogy, that is what I'm writing next.  This one is an old book that I started last year, that I never finished, but decided it was good enough to get going - now that I'm on a roll.  I did it, and I like it.  Hopefully, someone else will too.

So, now I will be taking Leo half way to MSU to meet S and get my grand puppy back home to them. V wants him home as soon as possible - she worries.  Leo does miss his mommy and his daddy...

I will though, write some of the novel that is last in the trilogy.  It is about Mary and her lack of a plan.  Mary's Plan.  Or A Plan for Mary.  Or Mary's lack of planning.  Or I'm not sure yet.  But it's about a young woman named Mary.  So, the title will the mean time...

D M Wiseman, three time published author, now on B&N for all the world to see and hopefully buy...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Saturday morning with dogs...

The entire Wiseman Family, extended as well as real, are more than thrilled that our awesome Varsity wrestling wonder - who was broken is now fixed! didn't need surgery, only closed reduction (means no actual open cut - no screws or plates) and is casted -and HOME!  This was the best news for us all!

So, relief and blessed that he is home and recovering.  I will be visiting that Wiseman compound later today - leaving the three monster dogs with my husband, my friend, my soul mate.  If you ever wonder why I call him that, well is all three.  And I will make him a great steak dinner - if he survives the afternoon that is...

I am sitting in my spot, but no dog is sleeping - Leo is chasing Gracie around the living room barking for no reason other than he is a happy puppy while Boomer is following at a sedate walk behind them.  I am trying to get them to calm down, but there is no way at this moment to put any 'calm' in them.  So I'll sit on the couch, trying to keep Boomer out of the way of the running, the jumping, the general chaos...It's not easy, but he is just a baby - the littlest anyway, and the easiest to control, believe it or not.  So In and Out, In and Out, In and Out, and the It's Mine game has begun once again...

I digress!  My day is starting out really on two great notes - my nephew is good, home and well; BUT I published another one!  Yes, the second novel in my trilogy based in Pretty Marsh Maine.  It is on the 'meat grinder' right now.  That means making sure that it is properly formatted and that kind of thing.  It is exciting to watch the countdown, but I know this one is good, too.  I anxiously wait for the words 'pending premium catalog' - I know it will be coming this morning.  Yeah for me!

So, I will watch the meat grinder and continue to write on the next great novel of the year...

D M Wiseman, three times published author, and continuing on

Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday and watching three dogs play the It's Mine game...

I was going to sleep in, get up and go off to the now famous to finish my calendar with my famous sister in law's mom (Penny who I love!) because we couldn't finish in our class because we were having too much fun, and now, we have to go to remedial class - but due to circumstances that 'hurt', we are not scrapping today...

Holly's youngest child - John a Freshman at FHS who is on the VARSITY Wrestling Team because he is awesome - was doing the wrestling thing last night and he broke his tibia.  That's the long bone in your lower leg, that the bottom part makes up the 'ankle' area - and it hurts.  He broke his growth plate part of the tibia (still needs this to grow), so he is half casted, off to the orthopedic's office this afternoon for the full verdict.  Holly is watching the kid so he stays off it, and elevates his leg.  Ow. 

Although I don't get to leave all these dogs to run rampant in my house while I go off to remedial scrap, I can still write.  But, right now:  Leo is behind the couch chilling, Gracie is upstairs to calm down, and Boomer is finally napping.  I feel like I have three toddlers.  No one is listening.  No one is being good.  And no one was napping!  So I had to seperate them, for my own sanity.

This way, I will get some writing done, now that the in and out, in and out, in and out, and the It's Mine game - the game where whatever Leo touches, Boomer steals, and then Gracie steals back.  When Leo barks, Gracie runs around, Boomer gets upset, and then Leo barks more.  It's a riot to watch, total playing and chaos.  They are having so much fun, I had to make them stop - just to get naps in! 

I am now listening to three dogs snoring, TV as white noise in the background, waiting for the call from Holly about the fractured John.  And writing the next best novel of the year...

D M Wiseman, twice published author, and dog babysitter extraordinaire...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursday again, and I'm off to meet S to pick up my grandpuppy!

Today, I am off to meet S, my youngest son 'half way' to MSU so I can pick up my grandpuppy - Leo.  He is maybe seven months old, full of energy and a total blast.  He finds fun in everything, just going outside, and loves to play with Gracie.  The two of them are inseperable when they are together.  Boomer trails behind, not sure what to do, as the deep snow doesn't work with lttle fat short legs.  And he gets cold, so he can't be out as long as an Alpine Mastif (or short coat St. Bernard) so, I try to give Boomer a little extra love, and the other two go nuts.  Its so much fun, trying to walk up the stairs when three dogs are also trying to get up the same stairs.  And we have three flights.

But really, the three of them play like crazy and then sleep all night long.  I'm exhausted, but they're happy.  The whole day is in and out, in and out, because Leo lives in an apartment, he can't go out all the time, so at our house, its like a 'dog park' all day long.  We have 5 acres and almost an acre of that is fenced for the dogs.  Its puppy heaven!

There is also the whole sleeping thing.  Gracie usually sleeps on the floor in our room, snoring softly.  Boomer usually sleeps two floors down, on a couch, loudly snoring - and I can still hear him up through the heat ducts.  Leo, when S and V are here, sleep in S's old room - with them.  When he's with us, he sleeps with us on the floor, and doesn't snore.  I can live with two dogs sleeping with us in our room, we have a lot of floor.
But last night, who decides to sleep with us in our room?  Yeah, Boomer, which means it was a snore-fest last night.  He does that once in a while, and there's no talking him out of it.  He wanted to be with us.

So, I have a vague feeling that all three dogs will be in with us for the next three nights...I am so glad I have ear plugs, and a large room.  And the worse part of this is - Leo is the best sleeper of the three.  Gracie moves around - a lot, and she's not quiet.  Boomer is never quiet, and the snoring sometimes wakes HIM up.  So, having Leo in our room is no big deal.  I just hope I can fit in the room with all three of them.

So, I must get my writing in for today and tomorrow:  because I will be out of here right after dinner, to pick my little buddy up, and get back in time to get them all calmed down so I can get them to bed without hours of outside play.  Wish me luck...

Tomorrow I am going to the now famous scrapbook facility - Scrapbook Emporium - where Holly works - .  I am going to finish making the calendar with my famous sister in law's mom, Penny (I love like a mom!).  We started this project a couple Sunday's ago when T was with us, and had too much fun to finish in the time we had.  So, we will be at the remedial table. 

THEN, we have a scrapbook night ahead, and I will make my Valentine cards - not as many as the Christmas cards I made (I made a lot - 150 - we send out to all my husband, my friend, my soul mates employees and my huge Irish family) but will only make 10 Valentines...I am going to look at the cards that were on had on her site, to get some ideas.  So, I might be able to finish in the eight hours that we will be there - and have Chinese food!  I'm in, whether I finish or not.  I love Chinese...

So, tomorrow night, I will leave all three of the dogs with my husband, my friend, my soul mate - and hope when I get home, the house is still standing, the dogs are exhausted, and my husband is still awake.  If not, I will let him go to sleep (he works a lot of hours, works hard and doesn't need the stress of getting the dogs to sleep) and play with the monsters.  Maybe just let them in and out, in and out, in and out until we are all exhausted, and sleep on the couch, dogs at my side.  It happens, its calming, and its like a sleep over.  Then I get breakfast made for me!  I'm not dumb...

So, in the mean time, I will write as much as I can today, because I know, there will be no time tomorrow.,  But that's the life of a grandma to a puppy so S and V can go skiing.  Hey, how come I never go anywhere?  I'm going to have to think about that...but, when you're the grandma, you make sacrifices.  But, it's not a sacrifice to watch Leo.  He's very good when he's at my house.  I don't mind!

D M Wiseman, grandma to a puppy that I love, and published two time author!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It's a wonderful Wednesday and I'm writing again...

Last night, I wrote an extra blog entry because I was too excited to wait unitl morning.  I published my second book, the 1997 re-write of "The Claddagh Promise" on !  I am a two time published author !  That was worth a second blog entry, don't you think?  I did.

So, here I am today, having a wonderful time, watching a wierd re-make of a re-make movie, my dogs at my feet - Boomer is laying on Gracie's feet, and snoring away, and I am writing another book, to get published as well.  This is a dream come true for me, to publish a novel, and two puts me over the top!  If only someone would actually buy one of the things, I would be happier.  It still feels nice, though.

So, after going to my favorite and only salon "Act 2 Salon and Spa" in Utica - I got my nails done by Holly, the best artist for the hands that I know!  She's great, and a lot of fun too.  Jessica, my stylist works there part time, and the whole group is worth mentioning - they do great work.  I do not go anywhere else! You have to have one of the hot stone massages...they're the best. But I digress...

Now my hair and nails are done, I have published the second novel, and I am writing another.  The words just keep flowing out of my fingers.  I hear the words in my head, and I think about the story while I am doing chores, making dinner, and the best way to work through a plot line, is to be stuck in traffic.  There is nothing better...

I am still going to write, even if no one buys them, because I really feel good getting the stories out of my head and onto the computer screen to be sent out in cyberspace to all the eReaders and computers out there.  I really do like what I I must write on...

D M Wiseman, two time published author !

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Too excited to wait until second blog of the day...

I did it!  Yes I got my hair cut and the color boosted, but that's not what I am talking about...

I publisherd my second novel!  You know, the re-write of my 1997 book "The Claddagh Promise" on just was published alittle bit ago!  This makes my second book that I have published and I am on cloud 9 (I have no idea why people say that - where is cloud 9?  Who was the first to say that? I have no idea about that either) and I am excited!

The cover art is perfect - thank you to my artist Rita T from California.  It is perfect for my book, and I love it.  I also found out that my first book has been put into the premeire catalog - which means it will be on all the eReaders next week ready for downloading.  So two times excited!

I really am a serial author now...not just a 'One hit wonder' and am so beyond myself excited, I need to tell someone.  But my husband, my friend, and soul mate is asleep. my sisters are asleep and Boomer doesn't quite understand. He just looks at me and drools.  That's what he does, drool.  And snore, and make all kinds of cute faces but he can't tell me congrats!  I need someone to say it!  So, I will say it.  I am proud of me.  Yeah.

D M Wiseman, the two time very excited published author!!!!

Not a normal day for a Tuesday...

I got up this morning, knowing that this will be a wonderful day!  It is always a good day, when you (1) get your hair cut - it's like going to the spa, Jessica pampers me and then I leave looking so much better; (2) get your nails done - it's like going to your own personal shrink - you can tell Holly (not my famous sister in law) anything, and she helps you get an idea that either you really need a shrink, or you're just like everyone else; (3) room service - I love it whenever I am traveling.  I don't have to hurry to get dressed, and it comes quicker then when you go to the restaurant; OR (4) you publish another novel!

So, today I'm getting my hair done, and to round out my day, grocery shop.  Yeah, the wonders of being an adult.  The always mentioned dogs, need food.  We need milk and stuff to make meals, so I am off - but after I'm pampered.  I would love to be one of those shoppers that walks around with the little basket, only buying for today as if the housekeeper/maid/cook is off and they have no idea how to make toast.  But, I am the kind of shopper that needs the full cart (not the half one, or thank God, the cart that looks like a car that can hold children - no more of that!) and I fill it to the top.  Why is it, that they can never get all my groceries into one cart when I leave?  I used to explain how I had two sons and two dogs, but not anymore.  They don't care, and I am usually showing them my iPhone to the app that shows I'm on google...they think I'm nuts.

Let them think it.  Now, I usually shop only once a month, and then the occasional need for milk.  I usually need dog food before I need anything else.  But I really digress...

I am getting my hair cut, and grocery shop, then home to publish the 1997 novel.  My cover artist Rita came through, and "The Claddagh Promise" is going on the meatgrinder today.  It is good, and I am thrilled.  I know that this will be a great read...

I will be doublely (is that a word) happy tonight, when I see my second book go on and will be doing it, with a new haircut and a boost to my hair color as well!

DM Wiseman  soon to be two time published author, the one with a great haircut!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Chinese for dinner and 116 pages written, on a lazy Monday...

After last night's wonderful Premiere of the "Under Cover Boss" and Sheldon Yellan's preformance of Tom, I am more than impressed.  I had never watched that particular show before, but Sheldon was really moving, makes you wonder if you really know who runs the business, or on the other side, who is your business?  I tried to know the people that I managed, but I know the person that was my 'boss' had no idea of me or the ones that really did the work... which is very sad, and why I am no longer there.  But I digress...

I was up way too late last night, and now I am up, and making sure the 116 pages I wrote (yeah - the middle of the night is my time and I do not write about Vampires!) made sense.  I am again, sitting with my dogs - one at my feet, the other with his feet on my right arm.  As always, I am writing with my dogs, my tea, and today - the NCIS marathon on TV in the background.  Gotta love it. 

My husband, my friend, and soul mate - is sleeping in, because he deserves it.  Tomorrow, he goes back to work after a long weekend - he works way too hard.  But today, he is home.  St is coming home this afternoon, because he is off work today as well.  I will make Chinese Stir Fry for dinner, and let ST take the left overs home because I am a great mom.  He is a great son.

I have two sons, love and miss them both.  I love that they are adults, are out of the house, and I do miss them.  We are very proud of them both, and love both their 'girl friends'.  St's K is a jounalist major at OU (that's Oakland University NOT Ohio) and the editor of the Oakland Post.  She is aweosme.   S's V is a graduate student at MSU (that's Michigan State University - Go Green!) and doing the accounting master's and I love her.  Both these women I get along with wonderfully, get along with each other (which is important as my sons are freinds!), and are perfect for both my sons.  Not to push, but love them...

And so, plan today is to write at least another fifty pages, and then on to the Chinese Stir Fry - making Pork Fried Rice from scratch - and it's a meal, when you add all kinds of vegetables, as well as bacon and pork.  It's not exactly heart healthy, but it is too good!  Then, maybe I'll write some more...

DM Wiseman, already published, and writing more...novelist!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday, done with editing, and off to the Premiere of Under Cover Boss...

Well, I finished the editing of the 1997's novel - at 130am, so I am a bit tired, but happy to be done.  Now, I am just wating for the cover art and I will publish again.

Today, I slept in again!  Two days in a row - and I liked it.  Now, I am outlining my next book, and thinking about stafting the new one today.  If I can get to it...because I am procrastinating again.  I am watching The Night at the Museum - the second one, drinking my favorite tea (Twings Black Irish Tea) and snuggling with my dogs.  I am not even going to get dressed until dinner, and just call it a PJ day. 

Of course my husband, my friend, my soul mate doesn't understand the concept of the whole PJ day thing.  He gets up, gets showered, and dressed, even wants me to as well,.  So, he wants me to get dressed.  Now, and I don't.  I am all warm, and snuggly with my dogs.  He even wants to change the channel to "How do they do that?" or some other show on how to make something, or marvels like big boats.  We watch alot of shows like that.  I write alot when we watch TV. 

We are going to the Premiere of the "Under Cover Boss" that is being held in WB at a beautiful Country Club tonight.  The owner of a restoration company - and someone that my husband, my friend, my soul mate, knows.  I've never seen the show, but since he knows Sheldon Yellen, we are off to the premiere tonight to watch the first episode.  It will be fun!  And there's going to be popcorn...

So, until then, I will wait for Rita, my wonderful cover artist to give my book its cover, and then publish again!  And I will start my new novel...maybe before I get dressed.  It's a good plan...

DM Wiseman, already published author, and soon to be again...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lazy Saturday - snowing again, doing nothing but editing...

I slept in today past 8am - which is very odd for me, because usually well before 8am the dogs are in my room, making dog noises - you know, shaking their heads causing their collars which have three tags to jingle, then they start to play, or sniff each other, and of course, the cold wet nose in my face is the clincher.  I get out of bed, and they act like they haven't seen me in years.  It's a nice and wonderful thing, the dogs and they're excitement.You gotta smile, even if it is before the sun comes up.
But today, my husband, my friend, and soul mate got up with the dogs when they began to do the 'must get  the momma up' thing and let ME sleep in.  I got up at 10 and came downstairs to find them all sleeping while watching TV.  But it was a great start to a lazy day.

Yesterday I did get 8 chapters edited, but I do not know how many pages. I did make a very nice dent in the 'plan' - finish by Sunday night.  So, We, my wonderful husband, went to visit our boat because the water in Lake Sinclair River, caused an ice damn, making the water drop which is bad.  We went to make sure our boat - a 42ft 1977 Cris Craft Commander, was tied nicely in the slip, and not hanging by the lines.  We keep our boat inside, floating on the water in a building that is always 55 degrees, so the water doesn't freeze in the building.  It's an old boat, and taking it in and out, is not good for it. 

Besides we can spend the weekend on the boat - it has heat, and we put on 'Jimmy Buffet' and pretend it's not 7 degrees outside with a foot of snow, but 70 degrees and no fish flies.  Its a nice dream in winter, especially in January in Michigan 

It's a big boat and has two state rooms (in boat talk that means bedrooms) and a full galley (kitchen) with a large salon (living room).  So, it is like a floating cabin that uses a lot of gas to go anywhere - and the odd part is, it uses LEADED gas.  So when we fill it up, we have to add lead to it.  Very strange, but it still works, just costs a lot of money for gas (200 gallon gas tank - think about it!).  But we love it, and it is lovingly called "RX Hullistic Medicine" because we are both in the Health Care Field.  Really its named that because it is better than blood pressure medicine - its very relaxing.  Who could be stressed, sitting on the deck with a cold soda, or drink - and feeling the breeze, rocking slightly with the rolls of the water, and with nothing to do?  Our dingy is called "Refill" just to keep the medical thing going.  Don't you love boat names?

We can take the Boomer with us, but Gracie has yet to go.  We are going to wait until we can train her a little bit more on the leash - she still pulls and that is not good on a 'floating cabin', or the dock.  So, we need to teach her.  Boomer goes everywhere on the boat, and he loves going up on the bow (the nose) and just sitting in the sun.  An odd thing to see, a 85lb Bull Dog walking around on a boat.  The usual dogs that people have on boats are lab types, or the ones that are so little, you can pick them up (we call chew toys, because the toys our dogs play with, are bigger at our house then those dogs in purses).  But I digress...

So, I am going to edit some more, while watching bad TV horror movies, my husband, my friend, my soul mate is in his chair sleeping, so is Boomer, and Gracie is at my feet.  I plan on talking my man into taking me to the movies to see "The Green Hornet" and have popcorn and Slurpees for dinner!  What could be better?

So, since I slept in so long this morning, I will be up late and can really get some time in on the editing, and I do have to finish - I have a book that needs to be written...

DM Wiseman, lazy author, and soon to be publishing more...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday - it's snowing in January, in Michigan...

Right now, I am in my regular spot, computer on my lap, one dog chewing on a bone at my feet, the other on half my lap - seems like the same day as last.  It's snowing, and there are conflicting numbers of how many inches of the white stuff we are going to get today, befere the other storm system comes in on Monday.  I like snow, but no one seems to like the clean up part, driving is not ever fun, and wet dog never smells like roses.  Why is that? 

So, I am giving myself a peronal deadline to finish editing 1997's novel.  I want to finish by the time I go to the opening celebration of an "Undercover Boss" episode on Sunday night. 

Can I do it?  I did 52 pages already, only have 200 or so to go... I wonder.  I could get it done, if the dogs didn't want to go out, then back in which means toweling them off - Gracie likes that and then runs around with the towel in her mouth, so I have to 'capture' her and by then, Boomer is on the couch in MY spot, wet and all snuggled in. 

Also, my husband, friend, and soul mate might come home early from work today.  I am never really sure what that means, because it's Friday (always a busy day) and snowing - which could add an hour to his drive.  So, really not sure if he will come home early or leave early, and get her on time.  Its always a mystery.  And, hopefully he doesn't want to come home early to go to the Auto show...oh, we can't - it's the opening night Gala which only people who have tuxes and long sparkly dresses and paid way way to much to see a bunch of 'state of the art' cars.  If they were giving me one free, then I'd go...

I do want to say, that although I live in Michigan, I do not live IN Detroit - but about 2 hours north of there, and it seems to be always snowing for the Auto Show - Oh yeah, maybe becasue they hold it in JANUARY - what are they thinking? But, I digress...

I do not want to go to the Auto Show, but will be more than thrilled, seeing all the cars through the eyes of my oldest son St who is going to be at the Opening Gala, tuxed out and is one of the Press Force for his radio station - which is tonight, and so I don't really need to go.  He puts the photos on his website almost immediately.  His photos are always great.  Then I look at the photos, and want that one, that one, ohhh I want that one.  So, I enjoy the Auto Show, through St's eyes.  He always sends me the best photos - like the candy-apple red new Jeep Compass he sent me.  I drive a Jeep Liberty and S, St nor my husband like my Jeep.  I love my Jeep, but that little red one - ohhh... I might want it.

But like the rest of the world, I need to pay off the navy blue Liberty in my driveway.  THEN I will look at the new ones...maybe in candy-apple red this time...

So, off I go to edit, to edit, to edit...

DM Wiseman, published author and editor of novels

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday and I'm off to MSU...once the decorations were put away!

Today, I had to finish being the Christmas fairy so I could go to MSU and visit S and V, my youngest son and his wonderful girlfirend, the parents to my grandpuppy, Leo  - a lovable, 8 month old puppy of unsure pedigree, but when you adopt, you just love whatever comes.  He is growing by leaps and bounds - and I mean he leaps and jumps (the bounding part) all the time.  He and my Gracie spend hours when he is visiting (meaning we are babysitting him as good grandparents do) outside and generally playing, leaving Boomer to watch and occasionally trying to join in.  Leo has so much energy, he exhausts me.  He has so much fun just being alive, you just gotta smile.   He had new toy overload, as V took  Leo to the pet store today and bought all kinds of things on sale...
But, I digress...
I had to finish what I started yesterday, putting the Christmas decorations away, and take the tree down.  I was to 'purge' in order to make room for the new old ornaments.  This task assigned to me, as the afore mentioned Christmas fairy was on vacation...and my husband, best friend and soul mate has to work, and I was home - writing, which is really doing what someone with 'no real life' does - that's what he said!  and I guess I don't, come to think of it...I just do all the stuff at home, watch the dog so she doesn't lick her almost healed incision, and watch bad TV (the movie this morning on AMC was 'The Day the World Ended' from 1956 and was so bad, it wouldn't be good enough to call a 'B' movie. It was one of my favorites from my teenage years watching Chiller on Saturday afternoons - don't tell my mom, as we were not allowed to watch the Chiller Movies...), because I am gainfully unemployeed right now.  But, I am a published author, and will someday be unbelievably famous...
But, I digress...
I am very proud of myself, as I took down the tree and put most of the decorations away yesterday- and even threw a few things away, and then I finished today.  Thses are the things I 'purgerd':
A centerpiece I don't remember buying, and had so many pieces pulled off to use for other things, that we never used it was 'purged'...
A snowman with a snowglobe on it's head - I am not sure why it was on it's head, and it was - I'll just say it - I've always thought it - ugly.  The snowglobe would never stay on it's head, and we glued it every year, then put it back into the box.  So it was 'purged'...
I aslo tossed a few boxes we kept things in, as well as:  a ripped bag, a broken unsure what kind of glass bulb it was, and twelve pieces of plastic garland that I'm not sure were part of what.  'Purged'...

Well, hey - aren't I a good 'purger' (is that a word?) by making so much room for the new old ornaments?  I actually went through every thing and every box - and repacked every decoration we owned, and didn't have to throw away the wreath made by my oldest  (ST) with his little pre-school hands, or my youngest (S) spool things that twirt on the tree he mad in kindegarden.  How could I?

So, I went to MSU to have dinner with S and V and see my grandpuppy Leo.  They made cornbeef as I love it!  V has never had cornbeef (we are Irish, and I make it numerous times throughout the year so this shocked me) and we had a nice visit. I brought S his skiis, boots, and poles as they are going skiing next weekend, at which time we, the grandparents of Leo will be babysitting again.  And loving it.  Both Gracie and the Boomer will love having him come to play, as well.

So, I didn't get any new writing done, but did edit 52 pages of the 1997 novel, and am currently waiting for my cover artist to finish my new covers, and then will publish both this one, and the second in the Pretty Marsh Trilogy.

DM Wiseman, former Christmas fairy, and published author

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday and I'm done with the re-write

Well, congrats to me - I finished the re-write of my 1997 novel.  Yeah!  Now, it is done!  Well, it just needs to be edited, but hey its kinda done!  And my fingers are still clicking away.  My mind has another story dying to get I will soon, start my next novel.

I am sitting here with the TV on low (Criminal Minds re-runs - gotta love 'um!) dogs at the regular spot, Boomer snoring away on my lap, and Gracie at my feet.  Now that I'm done, I have to do something I have been meaning to do for a few days...ok, over a week - take the Christmas Tree down.

Yep, the Christmas Fairy (the fairy that comes after Christmas and takes your tree down...) is on vacation.  So, I have to do it.  I hate taking the tree down, because then truely, the season is over.  But, it can stay in your heart forever.  Also, I was told to 'purge' the boxes to fit in the new ornaments that we have.  So, that's why the procrastination. 

I have a few issues with this whole taking the tree thing down  - and here they are:

First, the new ornaments are actually not new - they are antiques.  They were on the tree when I was a child, and came from my grandparents.  They are old, loosing thier glitter and are so fragile - I love them!  So, the TEN boxes that my mom let me put on my tree, means the ornaments we already haave, need to be 'purged', per my husband, my friend and soul mate.  But 'purge'?

Second, who can throw out Christmas decorations!  I can't, and I believe it's probaby illegal in some states.  I will have to check on that later, but I just can't throw them out. 

Third, if the kid at MSU had the room, all the Nutcrackers would be gone, and we'd have lots of room for the new old ornaments.  My husband says give some to the other son - he has a house.  But, he doesn't want the clutter. 

Fourth, I don't want to.  That is a great reason, and I am using it.

So, that's why I have been putting off taking down the tree and the decorations.  I don't want to purge. 
What do I throw away?  The wreath made by my oldest son when he was in pre-school made with his little hands, on a pillowcase?  The empty spools with glitter and paper that my youngest made in kindergarden that twirls when it is hanging on the tree?  Ornaments that were presents?  How do I do it?

Well, today I will pull all the boxes out of the storage area, and begin.  I may not finish, because purging also means I have to go through everything.  But, I think if I pack better, I won't have to throw anything away.  Maybe two things, so I can tell him I did - the broken things.  If there are any, because that affore mentioned wreath - has chew marks from a long ago dead mouse, and a stain on it from - I don't want to know - something.  I am not throwing THAT out.  How can I, could you?

So, maybe I should stay focused - and begin my next novel instead.  No, AFTER the tree, but I'm not purging!

DMWiseman  author, and now the Christmas Fairy taking down the tree

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Third day of blogging...writing...waiting for the snow...

I am on page 226 of re-writing the novel I wrote in 1997.  I have really gotten into this, as I only re-found (is that a word?) it three days agao and had forgotten some of the story line.  It's good, I'd buy it - even if it is mine!  Ha.

So, I sit here with the computer on my lap, one dog at my feet (Gracie so she doesn't lick her incision that broke open! got infected and is the casue of my house arrest!) and the other dog leaning on my right arm - snoring so loud I can't hear the white noise from the TV (Boomer likes to snuggle, and is a major snorer being a Bull Dog that is very brachecephalic - meaning smashed face, pallet issue - snorer!) re-writing this cool story that last night, I stopped typing, and just read the pages.  I really wonder why no one would publish it back then...

Then, I remembered that one publishing company said if it was about American Indains - they would consider it - note that the book is based in Ireland, about an Irish family, about Irish traditions.  No, can't change it to be about American Indians...
A second company wanted me to make it 'dated' as in like the Victorian times.  No, its based in the now, that is part of the plot - changing years of traditions.  So, can't change that either.
Others needed only already published authors, someone with an agent, and some wanted me to pay them. 

So, if you are not published already, have an current agent (which by the way - some of them want you to be already published) or meet Victorian, American Indian plot lines, or pay for it yourself, you don't get published.  Until now, you can do it yourself!  Like I did.

So, I didn't publish in 1997, finished my Master's Degree instead.  Paid for that, by the way. But now, I will publish this novel - "The Claddagh Promise" - and I like it.  So did my famous sister in law Holly, back in 1997.  So, I made it a little bit better, updated some of the slang and actual news items, and will put it on

I will probably finish it today, as I am on page 226 of a 288 re-write, still in the house with dogs, waiting for the 'snow storm' of the year. Yeah.  Emailing my cover artist today as well - I can see a red rose, and the Claddagh ring on the cover.  Maybe with a light green background, it is based in Ireland...what do you thnk?

DMWiseman, an almost three time author...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Second day of blogging, and writing away (while doing laundry...)

Recently, I went to the most helpful, and what I have seen, knowledgable scrapbook shop, that I will shamelessly promote here on my blog - The Scrapbook Emporium ( in Shelby Township, Michigan.  I started going there to learn to scrapbook, my first attempt - making Christmas cards to save money.  I had a blast, and made 150 cards (we send out alot of cards!) as well as learned to use a Cricut that happens to be the coolest thing invented for crafters!
So, yesterday I went to make calendars with my sister in laws mother (I call mom - or Penny who is great and the best sister in law's mom ever - I love her!) and my sister in law's half sister named T who was visiting from California, who is now somehow related to me, so I call her sister as well.  It's all good in the Wiseman family, we have alot of these extended family things going on - we're big on trying to explain, but just add them on and love each other. It was always hard to explain to the kids, how Aunt Lynne, is not really OUR Aunt, but your Aunt Holly's sister in law we just called Aunt, for confusion reasons and love her just the same.
So, yesteday, me - the near idiot, leading the two never used before Cricut not exactly want-a-be's -  had a grand time, better than the others that were there!  They didn't laugh like idiots, like we did.  We of course didn't finish, but we had fun and hardly embarrassed Holly (the famous sister in law) at all.  I think anyway.

So, today, I am doing laundry and going no where - so I will be able to produce quite a bit of my novel, and contact my cover artist (Rita who is the best at putting to paper the image in my head, which is quite impresive, knowing me) to get a head start on the cover for number two, maybe number three as well.

Sincerely and with itchy fingers to publish number two...
D M Wiseman already published author of one novel...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Recently Published Author continues to write...

Januray 9th, 2011  First installment:

On Januray 3rd at 10:25pm I became a published writer! 

Let me explain how this came to be.  Back in 1997, I wrote a book, and I could not get it published - numerous reasons, and some of which I will explain at a later date.  So, like many inspiring writers, I gave up, put my novel in a box, taped it closed, and put it in a closet in my new house.
This past November, we rescued an Alpine Masiff, which is a smooth coated, dry mouthed St. Bernard.  I credit her for getting me started on my novel that I did get published.  If we didn't rescue Gracie, I would not have gotten hurt trying to put a diaper on a St Bernard that went into heat, and hurt my hip.  So I wouldn't have been sitting on a couch, and browsing the web, taking my vicodin like a good patient.
I wanted to do something constructive as I had ice on my hip, and had a vicodin buzz going  So, having the book written by Mark Coker - "No Plot, No Problem" and devouring it so that I could write the next best novel the world has ever known - I decided to enter the's/ contest - to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November.  I, of course, didn't start until the 22nd, so I was a bit behind.  But, I was undeterred and basically, had nothing else to do but watch the dogs as I sat on my, umm couch.
I wrote "Bryn's Family Plan" in those long 8 days - and won! having written not just 50,000 words, but over 62,000 words.  I credit being an insomniac as well as the affore mentioned dog.

So, I wanted to get this new book published.  Again, the site helped me there as well as a posting told me about the site and I officially became a PUBLISHED author on Smashwords as of January 3rd, 2011.  I was and still am:  amazed, excited, and enthusiastic.  I have told perfect strangers at the grocery store that I am published - seriously I did that.
At 10:25pm that night, when I found out it was accepted - I promptly went on Facebook and announced it, as well as emailing every single person I knew.  To say the least I was excited.
The next morning, I got up and went back on the site to make sure I was not dreaming, and 6 people had looked at my book, not bought the thing, but looked at it.  That was half the battle, I thought.
Then, one of my sisters told me that morning, that she 'googled' my pen name - I am on GOOGLE as an author.  ME!  So, then I told everyone on Facebook and emailed everyone I know (get the excitement?) that I was on Google. I actually showed a person at Michaels (a craft store) - I couldn't help myself.
My Aunt Kay is the first one to actually purchase the book, but hey - I sold a book and my Aunt Ruthelma is the first one to read the first three chapters that you can sample.  The only problem I have with publishing on-line, is my mother.  She is the only one left in the world (well, that I know) that isn't on-line, doesn't own a computer (can you believe it!) and still doesn't own a cell phone (seriously - she has that 'thing in the car' in case of emergency, and just recently had to have her phone changed from a rotary dial, to a push button one - yeah, a bit behind in the times.
Any way I degress, my mother would like to have a 'copy' of my book and I can't get her to understand that it is in cyberspace, as she doesn't get that concept either.  So, I will have to go to Kinko's and print one off for her...and then, of course, autograph it!

So, this blog is set up to show the progress of my attempt to publish the SECOND book which I started writing just after I finished the first.  I figured I was on a roll, why not?  It is now done, and is in the 'edit' part of the world of publishing.  It should be published within the next few weeks, so what to do now?  Well...

I searched my closet and found the first actual novel I wrote - back in 1997.  But, alas, there are so many things that need to be changed in the book, that I am re-writing it.  Serious errors like Princess Diana is no longer alive - so that has to be changed.  There are cell phones EVERY WHERE and EVERY ONE except for my mom - owns one, and that will be written into the story.  And I have to retype the entire thing, as it is on a floppy disc (for you of those who do not know what that is, its the computer equivalent to rotary dial phones...) so that explains the retyping.  Thank God, I can type 60+ words a minute, and am still insomnic.

So, readers, potential writers and future published authors - I will tell of my exploits daily, to tell of my trials and tribulations, and fun facts on my progress.  Along the way, I'll tell the story of the hip injury due to Gracie and her very untimely going into heat, that made me the published author I am today.

D M Wiseman - the recent Published Author !