Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday - better late than never - and finally home...

I spent most of the day with my sister Barb out in Brighton and then having a wonderful lunch of Chinese - and we had a good visit.  It is always worth the drive to visit with her.  We laugh, talk and get caught up - while texting to our sister Pat, as well, to keep her up on our visit, she can't always be with us, so we make sure we all get the same stories and same laughs!

Got home before dinner to the puppies just waking up and needed to go outside!  They had such a good weekend, they slept from afternoon (when S and V took Leo home) until I got home today.  They went out, and right back to sleep after eating.  The puppies were so tired!  Now, Gracie is chewing on a toy - attempting to kill it completely as Boomer is sucking on his pacifier.

Yes, my Bull Dog is one of those dogs that suck on a toy, like a baby uses a pacifier - to fall asleep - he has a 'puppy' - a stuffed animal toy, that he sucks on, and kneads it like a cat does...and falls asleep with it in his mouth - like a pacifier.  Apparently, Bull Dogs and a few other dogs do this - but like the other neat attributes of a Bull Dog (snoring, drooling as well as their odoriferous odors!) they suck on things to calm down, and fall asleep.  You can see this on sites on YouTube, and my Boomer is one of those dogs...It really is funny, but thank God he does, because he needs to calm down sometimes.  Really, he does!

I was excited to go on the site to see that I had sold four more books today!  I am thrilled to see that I have sold more books, and not to family members!  Yeah, I'm on the way now !  And I am almost done with my last book in the Pretty Marsh Trilogy.  As well as went through a few new ideas for the next best novel that I will start next week.  I can't get enough of my ideas on cyberspace fast enough!  I am a writing machine...

D M Wiseman, happily finishing up the latest and greatest novel, author...

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