Sunday, January 30, 2011

Up and ready for the long ride home from the party of the century...

I was up and ready for the long ride home today from GR, but couldn't get on the internet - low battery and a brother in law that wanted to 'get on the road'. We had a great time at Jerry's party. He was very happy to have the all of us there - really fun time visiting with family until it ended at 4pm, but we didn't leave the K of C hall (again - not the fried chicken place, the Knights of Columbus Hall) until 630pm. We just moved into the bar and continued having a celebration - yeah that's what I'll call pitchers of beer etc (I had a soda!). Lots of laughter, loud, but fun.  When we get together its definitely loud.

My mother loved the 'books' I printed for her, and was praised for bringing them.  She went on and on about how her 'daughter' is published on eBay - not publishing eBooks.  She was a bit confused.  She doesn't see the difference, and I tried hard to explain, but she was not getting it, and I finally gave up, and let her go on about eBay.  One day, maybe she'll understand...and I'll be rich. Yeah, that will happen.  But I digress...

So, after the waitress kept asking us if we were 'done yet?' we moved the party to our hotel and moved it into the restaurant to have dinner as well - hey Fillet and Lobster for $22 bucks can't be all bad, so we thought.  Well it was barely ok, and since we all were hungry, we ate and talked and laughed.  And the Key Lime Tarts were awesome for desert, which made up for the over-cooked Lobster.  We were not as loud, but we did have a good time...

The drive home was long, uneventful, and yet we, the three sisters, Pat, Barb, and myself talked the whole way, while simultaneously looking through magazines, and rehashing the party.  Who said what, who is fighting with who, and when we will get together again.  My cousins have decided to get together every other month to have at least dinner - so we are not always seeing each other at funerals - we need to do this to keep up on our ever changing lives, and not all of us can be at every meeting, so it works out.  Next month we will be meeting closer to home, as this month was not counted in our calendar, because it was an 'extra'.  We are all for extra meetings.

I will now get back to my normal schedule of writing, as well as snuggling with my dogs, my husband, my friend, my soul mate as well as to try and get my next novel finished 'Merry's Plan' - I decided on the name and will maybe stick to this time - and as well, hopefully finish it by the end of the week.  The one being edited, "The Usual Reasons' will go up for publication this week.  Onward and outward...and I will continue to write...

D M Wiseman, paid published author, who is alittle behind in my writings...

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