Wednesday, July 27, 2011

So close and yet not done yet!

I am right on target for the amount of 'words' that I need to have, to finish the  contest for this month.  I still have ten thousand or so to write, and I am at work, still have to work tomorrow, and won't get to write until at the earliest - Thursday AFTER I sleep sometime. 

I will finish.  I will 'win'.  I sound like the little engine that could.  I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...
But the difference is I WILL.  I have a good track record, and I have the drive... I just need to sleep first.

Then I could do it all over again for August!  If I want to, that is.  My mom sent me a copy of a few pages of the 'Good Housekeeping' magazine that she reads.  There is a contest to write a short story (SHORT! ha - its only up to 3500 words!  I can do that in a day!) and I could win $3000 and/or have it published in that same magazine!  I am planning to enter that as well.  At this rate, I will NEVER sleep until maybe September.

So, off I go to sleep, then work again, to S and V's house to let the delivery guys in with their new bedroom furniture, home again to sleep and play with the two monster puppies that are mine, as well as my grand puppy Leo.  Wrapping it up, I will write by the end of the week and win!

D M Wiseman,  planning on winning, writing, but first sleeping, published author

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