Monday, May 9, 2011

Well, I am officially messed up again in my sleeping patterns...

I worked the last two weeks on midnights, so I have my sleep patterns down - kind of.  But, then today, I had to go on a day shift meeting for 8 hours, so I am off on my sleep again.  I was NOT tired last night, so couldn't sleep, and then today yawned through the entire meeting.  I swear I almost fell asleep in the lecture.  Thank God we were 'inneracting' during the meeting, and I was the one who had to 'transport' the messages.  It entailed moving around a lot.  I wouldn't have made it otherwise.

I feel that my pattern, when I chose to, can be screwed around with, but not when someone else does it.  I need my sleep, my way.  Just like when I want to write, I need to write.  When I finally got my second wind during the lecture, I got a thought - you know one of those thoughts, and I started writing down stuff on my note pad - in long hand!  So, I will write these notes down so I can read it later - my hand writing is not the best... OK, it's really bad, but usually I can read it my self.  So, any way, I will record my little notes, and get on THAT story that came into my head during a work meeting, next.

Right now, watching the season and final episodes of Stargate Universe - yeah, I'm a Sci Fi nut - and listening to the puppies both snoring... while my husband, my friend, my soul mate, is falling asleep in his chair.  All is good at the W household.  I had all my kids (S, V with Leo, St and K) over for dinner yesterday, played the dogs in the pond, and had a good day.  I was validated as a mom - they like me.  I love them all.  I got bath scents and a bottle of wine - from St and K, and a corn on the cob thing (it removes the corn from the cob) and a picture from S and V.  I am a happy mom.

D M Wiseman, got another new idea to write and ready to write it, published author...

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