Sunday, June 12, 2011

But I don't want to wait until November to write the new book...

I have a new idea for a book, and I don't want to wait until November and the contest - you know the contest that is put on every November by NaNoWriMo (, which stands for National Novel Writing Month - for budding novelists or seasoned writers - you write a novel (at least 50,000 words) in 30 days.  It takes over the entire month, your entire waking minute - and I have an idea that I could write in 2011's contest. 

But, I don't want to wait until November to write it, and I really should.  I need to finish the two I have started, but I'm at a wall, one of those 'writer's block' thing that happens.  I can think of a lot of things to write, but not the finish to the book that is almost done.  How do I know that it is almost done?  I don't know that either, but I feel that to finish it, I just need a few good chapters, and to get the mix done.  I can do it, I know I can, but I just need the boost, to get over this 'block' thing.

So, I am not writing today.  Maybe not even tomorrow.  I will wait until it hits me.  I will re-read the chapters that I wrote, and then I will be able to get back into the story - and be able to finish it.  get it published, get the sixth one published!  I really need to do this, to finish it.  I hate not finishing something that I have started.  It's like my baby - its mine and I want it out there in cyberspace, where it can be read by the one person that buys my books will read it.  Yep, I'm good with that.  So, I will be scrapbooking with my famous sister in law tomorrow, instead of writing.  I have things to do, and things to create, before I write...

D M Wiseman, procrastinating while still trying to write, published author...

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