Thursday, April 7, 2011

Two days of writing pushed into one kind of a day...

I was tired yesterday, and after going over what I wrote the night before, tweaking it a bit to a more acceptable angle on the path that I want my characters to go down, I went to bed without writing here, on my blog.  I guess it really doesn't matter, because I wrote on my novel.  I got home tonight after stopping to buy dog food, and I actually made dinner before my husband, my friend, my soul mate got home from his work.  It's been a long week, and it's not over yet.

I plan on sleeping in tomorrow - atleast two hours, maybe two and a half!  Then go and take my sister to the U for doc check up and chemo.  I plan on taking my lap top there, to get some writing done while we are at the hospital.  I take it with me, and sometimes, I even write!  Sometimes, I just edit, but most of the time I edit, or do re-writes.  I can't always concentrate with all the people around.  I call my sister Pat, I call my famous sister in law Holly - and probably will tomorrow, since she came home from California today.

I want to see how much I can write by the beginning of next week, so that I can really determine how much I will need to get done on Wednesday and Thursday - my only two days off next week.  I really need to keep to my plan to get this novel done by the end of April.  I'm not sure if I can do it - I am not hardly sleeping now.  BUT, I did the contest last November, and won, so I know I CAN do it.  I jsut need to give myself a daily deadline, and then stick to it, like I did before.

What I don't have is the daily, weekly, and sporatic uplifting and encouraging emails from the Light - as well as the daily word updates.  I can send them to myself, but it won't be quite the same, I think anyway.  I guess if I have a good enough imagination to write the novels, I should be able to pretend to myself and trick my mind into thinking or believing that I sent them to myself.  I can do that - hey I pretend that my novels are the next best thing to sliced bread, just wish they would generate some bread! Ha.

D M Wiseman,   not quite as psychotic as I pretend to be, but nuts just the same, published author...

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