Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter! And time with my oldest son St...

Happy Easter to all.  Spent time with S and V yesterday, and now with St today, having dinner at our house - the non-typical dinner of Bar B Q !  We are having Salmon with honey barbecue sauce and St is having chicken.  But I am doing all the vegetables on the grill too.  I like grilled veg's!  And even better, I don't do the grilling...

I am sitting here, after talking to my mom, my sister Pat (she is up at my mom's house inland from Tawas, little town called National City - no relation to the Bank) and then my sister Barb thinking I can't remember the last Easter we all were together.  When the boys were little, we would take them to North Myrtle Beach and stay at these great Condos called the Beach Cove.  It was right on the water, had a great beach, and a 'river' running under it that you could ride on inner tubes.  The Beach Cove was within walking distance to this pier that was my inspiration for the pier on the cover of my first book "Bryn's Family Plan" and my awesome cover artist got it perfectly...

I write about this because my sister Barb just read my book "The Usual Reasons" and wondered why all of it was in Michigan.  I live in Michigan.  But the other books, like the trilogy - were in Maine.  I had to research that area to write about it.  The one I am writing now, starts in North Carolina - on Oak Island (my mother in law used to live there) and then goes on to a Cruise Ship (been on five) and will end in Maine - eventually.  So, I write what I know.  And my next novel will be in Michigan once again.

I will write a few chapters today, but after my husband, my friend, my soul mate does some financial stuff on my computer - it is faster and can get the work done faster.  I really think that I might get it done by Tuesday when I go to work.  Well, that is a goal, but the real one is the end of the week - the end of the month was my original goal.  I need to get it done.  I have too many in my head that need to get down on paper... and I was validated by my sister Pat that couldn't put "The Usual Reasons" down - even got up in the night with a special light that goes on her Nook - to read.  I was geeked!  She didn't have to lie - we're sisters.  Barb liked it too.  Yeah!

D M Wiseman,  validated by my sisters, that I am a great writer, and soon to be another published author...

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