Friday, April 22, 2011

It's Good Friday, and it was snowing AGAIN this morning...

Honestly!  Aren't we ever going to see Spring?  It was raining, snowing, and sleeting all at once this morning, and it is Good Friday.  It is a week away from being May and Sunday is Easter.  There is no reason to worry, but I think the weather men on TV are doing something to the weather.  Any time there is an odd weather thing going on, we all watch the News to find out how bad the weather will be - and usually - they are wrong.

But, now, the weather is coming true.  It is the Snowmaggedon, the Snowpocalypse etc that happened a few months back, and now, it is still cold.  It is still snowing.  I think it is a conspiracy against all of us that really need Spring, and then Summer!  Really, it is about time, don't you think?  We need to put away our winter coats and boots.  We really need to wear short sleeves!  Please, can't we just see the sun once before fall?

Ok, that is all I will say about that, because I am almost done with the book!  Yeah, and when it is nicer weather, I won't get very much writing done at all, so I need to get it done.  I am at odds with my need to see the sun, and the need to not waste the nice weather.  So, I will finish then go out in the sun.  I will, really.  And then start the next one...too!

D M Wiseman,  a bit off today, and still writing away, published author...

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