Got home a whole hour earlier than normal, and thrilled! Got out of my scrubs and into jeans and a thermal t-shirt to start my PJ day in advance - even though I am not wearing PJ's in reality, I am in my mind. I am chilling on the couch, puppies at my feet, TV on and happy to be here.
My husband, my friend, my soul mate made me dinner, but burned it. So, while I was on the way home, he made something else. He is so wonderful to cook for me when I am on these long shifts. As soon as I flip to midnight, I will do the cooking again...and see him more. I get home, barely eat, then fall asleep - but I am so into NOT getting up tomorrow, that I am wide awake. I am going to do a few chapters and then go to sleep - and get a lot of writing done tomorrow - in my jammies!
I think the puppies know its a jammie day too. They have been all wild since I got home today. And when I stopped to fire up the computer, Boomer grabbed my foot! I gave him the evil eye and I swear he laughed at me! Then he did it again when I stopped tossing his baby to check my email. I know he is laughing at me, and he is spoiled, but seriously - he can't bite my toes just because he wants to play! So, of course I played with him... Ok, I spoil him. I spoil Gracie too. I am a spoiler of puppies - I admit it.
Tomorrow I will write, will play with the puppies, I will NOT get dressed, and I will have PBJ for dinner! I am happy to have a day to write all day, and seriously get a lot of the novel done. I only have 18 days to finish it, and I am ready to start tonight...I got the itch...
D M Wiseman, serious spoiler of puppies, happy to write, and published author, next one nearly done...
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