Today, I had to finish being the Christmas fairy so I could go to MSU and visit S and V, my youngest son and his wonderful girlfirend, the parents to my grandpuppy, Leo - a lovable, 8 month old puppy of unsure pedigree, but when you adopt, you just love whatever comes. He is growing by leaps and bounds - and I mean he leaps and jumps (the bounding part) all the time. He and my Gracie spend hours when he is visiting (meaning we are babysitting him as good grandparents do) outside and generally playing, leaving Boomer to watch and occasionally trying to join in. Leo has so much energy, he exhausts me. He has so much fun just being alive, you just gotta smile. He had new toy overload, as V took Leo to the pet store today and bought all kinds of things on sale...
But, I digress...
I had to finish what I started yesterday, putting the Christmas decorations away, and take the tree down. I was to 'purge' in order to make room for the new old ornaments. This task assigned to me, as the afore mentioned Christmas fairy was on vacation...and my husband, best friend and soul mate has to work, and I was home - writing, which is really doing what someone with 'no real life' does - that's what he said! and I guess I don't, come to think of it...I just do all the stuff at home, watch the dog so she doesn't lick her almost healed incision, and watch bad TV (the movie this morning on AMC was 'The Day the World Ended' from 1956 and was so bad, it wouldn't be good enough to call a 'B' movie. It was one of my favorites from my teenage years watching Chiller on Saturday afternoons - don't tell my mom, as we were not allowed to watch the Chiller Movies...), because I am gainfully unemployeed right now. But, I am a published author, and will someday be unbelievably famous...
But, I digress...
I am very proud of myself, as I took down the tree and put most of the decorations away yesterday- and even threw a few things away, and then I finished today. Thses are the things I 'purgerd':
A centerpiece I don't remember buying, and had so many pieces pulled off to use for other things, that we never used it was 'purged'...
A snowman with a snowglobe on it's head - I am not sure why it was on it's head, and it was - I'll just say it - I've always thought it - ugly. The snowglobe would never stay on it's head, and we glued it every year, then put it back into the box. So it was 'purged'...
I aslo tossed a few boxes we kept things in, as well as: a ripped bag, a broken unsure what kind of glass bulb it was, and twelve pieces of plastic garland that I'm not sure were part of what. 'Purged'...
Well, hey - aren't I a good 'purger' (is that a word?) by making so much room for the new old ornaments? I actually went through every thing and every box - and repacked every decoration we owned, and didn't have to throw away the wreath made by my oldest (ST) with his little pre-school hands, or my youngest (S) spool things that twirt on the tree he mad in kindegarden. How could I?
So, I went to MSU to have dinner with S and V and see my grandpuppy Leo. They made cornbeef as I love it! V has never had cornbeef (we are Irish, and I make it numerous times throughout the year so this shocked me) and we had a nice visit. I brought S his skiis, boots, and poles as they are going skiing next weekend, at which time we, the grandparents of Leo will be babysitting again. And loving it. Both Gracie and the Boomer will love having him come to play, as well.
So, I didn't get any new writing done, but did edit 52 pages of the 1997 novel, and am currently waiting for my cover artist to finish my new covers, and then will publish both this one, and the second in the Pretty Marsh Trilogy.
DM Wiseman, former Christmas fairy, and published author
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