Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday in MI - snowing again and going to visit the nephew...

Today it is minus 4 degrees at my house.  Yes - colder than yesterday, snow is falling softly on the rural area I live in and I am sitting watching only one of the dogs sleeping.  Boomer hasn't moved since I went to bed last night.  He is still snoring, exhausted after the last few days playing with Leo.  All three of the dogs played non-stop for three days.  Gracie hasn't even come down stairs since last night, after dinner.  She is still sleeping on the antique fainting couch - her favorite place to sleep. 

Since my fourth book is being edited, which is good, because my head already on to something else..I am already into my fifth story...

I was calm - like after the storm yesterday, when I received a email from that someone had bought my book!   Yeah!  Someone, I have no idea who, bought my "Bryn's Family Plan" off of the site.  I am an actual published author that is now making money!  It's not much actually, but its a start.  It's a great boost to my ego, to know someone I have no contact what so ever with - bought my book!

So, I started the last in the series of the Pretty Marsh Trilogy.  I drove half way to MSU to take Leo home, and let me tell you a secret about long drives.  People think you are talking on your cell phone, I talk out my series, my plots, my characters conversations and occasionally talk on my cell.  Long drives are never a problem for me.

I am into this last one and hope to get a good amount of writing in the next three days.  My husband, my friend, my soul mate is working late tonight - don't you love after hours meetings?  They add on another 5 or so hours to his already 10+hrs day.  Then, tomorrow he's off to New Jersey - but will be home on Wednesday.  So I will be taking a PJ day tomorrow, and write all day long - while watching bed TV.  A great way to spend a cold, winter day...

Today, I will be interupting my writing to go to my famous sister in law Holly's to spend some time with her, as well as the awesome wrestler John, that is recovering from the attach of the broken ankle... To give some assistance, to let Holly do some errands, and maybe scrap a bit.  We'll see how the time goes.  But, it's always great, to see family! no matter what you do...

D M Wiseman, 'paid' published author of three, almost four, and going for five...

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