Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ecstatic about B&N exposure, and third book published or just a normal Sunday ...

It's zero degrees out - yeah I really mean zero, and not the minus 8 degrees when you add in the wind chill - it's really zero out.  But, I'm in my house, all warm and cosy with an extra dog until this afternoon.  Believe it or not, they are all napping, without being separated - it only took three days, and now this afternoon, Leo is going back home.  S and V were skiing and they're coming home today - nothing broken, and all fun'd (is that a word?) out...

I am happy.  I am ecstatic.  I am off the wall excited.  I've got B&N exposure!  If you go on - search nookbooks and search for "Bryn's Family Plan"  you will actually find my book!  I have been looking every day - not that I was impatient or anything, just needed to see that it was actually going to be out in cyberspace for anyone to buy!  So I've been looking every day, and (yeah!) finally it was up last night!  Yeah to me!

I emailed my sisters, and sent out texts to my kids...then I showed my husband, my friend, my soul mate every other minute, until he said stop.  I just needed someone - preferably a girl type - to squeal for me.  I wanted validation - you know, squeals! 

I got up this morning, and there they were - 'squeals' on my email from my wonderful sister Pat as well as my wonderfully healthy sister Barb.  Holly sent me a text back and my niece Cherie posted the B&N site on her facebook site.  Squeals in technology and cyberspace is good enough for me!

So, I finished another book last night, or early this morning - depending on what you call 2am when you haven't gone to bed yet.  So, I will have it edited, get a hold of my cover artist Rita T in California to put my thoughts on the cover - its not the third in the trilogy, that is what I'm writing next.  This one is an old book that I started last year, that I never finished, but decided it was good enough to get going - now that I'm on a roll.  I did it, and I like it.  Hopefully, someone else will too.

So, now I will be taking Leo half way to MSU to meet S and get my grand puppy back home to them. V wants him home as soon as possible - she worries.  Leo does miss his mommy and his daddy...

I will though, write some of the novel that is last in the trilogy.  It is about Mary and her lack of a plan.  Mary's Plan.  Or A Plan for Mary.  Or Mary's lack of planning.  Or I'm not sure yet.  But it's about a young woman named Mary.  So, the title will the mean time...

D M Wiseman, three time published author, now on B&N for all the world to see and hopefully buy...

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