Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursday again, and I'm off to meet S to pick up my grandpuppy!

Today, I am off to meet S, my youngest son 'half way' to MSU so I can pick up my grandpuppy - Leo.  He is maybe seven months old, full of energy and a total blast.  He finds fun in everything, just going outside, and loves to play with Gracie.  The two of them are inseperable when they are together.  Boomer trails behind, not sure what to do, as the deep snow doesn't work with lttle fat short legs.  And he gets cold, so he can't be out as long as an Alpine Mastif (or short coat St. Bernard) so, I try to give Boomer a little extra love, and the other two go nuts.  Its so much fun, trying to walk up the stairs when three dogs are also trying to get up the same stairs.  And we have three flights.

But really, the three of them play like crazy and then sleep all night long.  I'm exhausted, but they're happy.  The whole day is in and out, in and out, because Leo lives in an apartment, he can't go out all the time, so at our house, its like a 'dog park' all day long.  We have 5 acres and almost an acre of that is fenced for the dogs.  Its puppy heaven!

There is also the whole sleeping thing.  Gracie usually sleeps on the floor in our room, snoring softly.  Boomer usually sleeps two floors down, on a couch, loudly snoring - and I can still hear him up through the heat ducts.  Leo, when S and V are here, sleep in S's old room - with them.  When he's with us, he sleeps with us on the floor, and doesn't snore.  I can live with two dogs sleeping with us in our room, we have a lot of floor.
But last night, who decides to sleep with us in our room?  Yeah, Boomer, which means it was a snore-fest last night.  He does that once in a while, and there's no talking him out of it.  He wanted to be with us.

So, I have a vague feeling that all three dogs will be in with us for the next three nights...I am so glad I have ear plugs, and a large room.  And the worse part of this is - Leo is the best sleeper of the three.  Gracie moves around - a lot, and she's not quiet.  Boomer is never quiet, and the snoring sometimes wakes HIM up.  So, having Leo in our room is no big deal.  I just hope I can fit in the room with all three of them.

So, I must get my writing in for today and tomorrow:  because I will be out of here right after dinner, to pick my little buddy up, and get back in time to get them all calmed down so I can get them to bed without hours of outside play.  Wish me luck...

Tomorrow I am going to the now famous scrapbook facility - Scrapbook Emporium - where Holly works - .  I am going to finish making the calendar with my famous sister in law's mom, Penny (I love like a mom!).  We started this project a couple Sunday's ago when T was with us, and had too much fun to finish in the time we had.  So, we will be at the remedial table. 

THEN, we have a scrapbook night ahead, and I will make my Valentine cards - not as many as the Christmas cards I made (I made a lot - 150 - we send out to all my husband, my friend, my soul mates employees and my huge Irish family) but will only make 10 Valentines...I am going to look at the cards that were on had on her site, to get some ideas.  So, I might be able to finish in the eight hours that we will be there - and have Chinese food!  I'm in, whether I finish or not.  I love Chinese...

So, tomorrow night, I will leave all three of the dogs with my husband, my friend, my soul mate - and hope when I get home, the house is still standing, the dogs are exhausted, and my husband is still awake.  If not, I will let him go to sleep (he works a lot of hours, works hard and doesn't need the stress of getting the dogs to sleep) and play with the monsters.  Maybe just let them in and out, in and out, in and out until we are all exhausted, and sleep on the couch, dogs at my side.  It happens, its calming, and its like a sleep over.  Then I get breakfast made for me!  I'm not dumb...

So, in the mean time, I will write as much as I can today, because I know, there will be no time tomorrow.,  But that's the life of a grandma to a puppy so S and V can go skiing.  Hey, how come I never go anywhere?  I'm going to have to think about that...but, when you're the grandma, you make sacrifices.  But, it's not a sacrifice to watch Leo.  He's very good when he's at my house.  I don't mind!

D M Wiseman, grandma to a puppy that I love, and published two time author!

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