Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saturday and its still raining...with good news as well...

It's Saturday morning, and I woke to hear the sound of wheezing, coughing, and generalized breathing distress.  For a minute, I digressed to when the boys were little again.  S used to get bronchitis quite often, had croup on a regular basis, and these breathing noises brought it all back.  God I miss having babies.

Then, sanity came back.  I do not miss having BABIES.  My boys are men now, and probably in the next five years I will have grand babies.  But, just every once in a while, I get the pang.  My famous sister in law Holly understands this.  She gets what we call our 'baby fix' by seeing friends babies.  And now, yes I am going to say it aloud (actually in cyberspace) SHE is going to be a grandmother.  Her oldest daughter is pregnant, and it is even better - she is having twins.

Twins run in our husband's family and now twins are here again.  I will be able to get my baby fix quite often, as we will all have to pitch in and help.  We are already discussing cupcakes for the baby shower.  I think it will be pastels, animals, no - maybe primary colors, but still animals.  Any way, we have time.

I have a pang of envy - I would have loved to have the first grand babies in the family - but I can be the best Grand Aunt ever!  Besides, this is shell shocked talk, because there is no way my kids want kids right now.  And I know it.  They say they are not ready, and I agree with them.  I'm not old enough to be a Grandmother.  But, who is ready, really? 

Oh, and it was my husband, my friend, my soul mate that is sick - all congested, bronchitis and such.  I gave him a breathing treatment, breakfast and then off to the bath to steam his lungs open.  He is hacking up half his lungs, and it will be a weekend of listening to him hack and whine about being sick.  I hate being a nurse sometimes.  When I get paid, it is not too bad, but on my off time?  Ok, so it doesn't suck.  I just like NOT having to worry about stuff once in a while...

D M Wiseman, new to the idea of being a Grand Aunt - my word!, and still published author...

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