Monday, June 20, 2011

I'm still coughing, but feel much better today...

I am still coughing, but I feel better today - enough to go to work tonight.  I have a lot to do and really need to do my work on the schedule.  I need to get it done tonight, so cough or not - here I come.

I have also broken my 'writer's block' and am finishing the book that has been plaguing me.  It is nearly done, and then the editing time will be short, as I re-read editing at the same time.  I think the book will get me going towards the goal of a dozen books written.

Today, I contacted the little paper in our area, to see if an article on the November contest (it is coming up fast!) for writers and get some publicity for the cause.  And maybe my books, so I can get some more books sold... maybe give a discount if they mention reading about it in the little paper...

I also want to do a Barcamp - but I am wondering where to have it.  The biggest issue is not where to hold it, but who will come...what if no one comes?  How embarrassing would that be?  I think if my family comes, that will help (there's a lot of them) but I really need to have WRITERS come.  Writers in this area that are going to be writing for the contest.  I know I am!

Barcamp - I want it to be a success, but have no idea how to do it...I have researched how to and will use the site to network the people in my area.  There has to be people like me, that are writers, in their off times...

D M Wiseman, trying to organize a Barcamp, published author

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