Thursday, June 16, 2011

I am wearing Au De wet dog and am generally sick...

I am sick with bronchitis with a sore throat, post nasal drip, sore chest and fever on and off.  I saw the doctor then had to take my baby Boomer to the vets because he is sick again.  Throwing up everything and generally feeling poorly (that's an old fashion word for feeling 'punk') and not eating or drinking.  He was so pitiful at 2am when I had to clean up puke on the blanket in our room.

Then all the puke before I could get him to the vets today.  He has just as much medicine to take as I do.  There doesn't seem to be anywhere he didn't puke.  I got him to the vets, a shot or two later and he feels better now.  Ate dinner, so far kept it down.  But that is not the best of the day...

Gracie, after playing so hard with our Grand Puppy Leo, was getting a drink out of our pool and fell in.  Not a big deal as Alpine Mastiff's can swim, but the pool has not been 'opened' yet and is filled with dirty yucky water and the cover with air things and frogs.  I was alone with the three dogs, she was the only one outside, and as I was trying the rescue thing. Leo and Boomer went through the screen door to assist me in the rescue.  Thus the Au De wet dog smell one me.  I dislike the smell, big time.

I will take my last meds, and tuck on down to sleep, hopefully for an all night rest - without puke and with me not coughing my head off...

D M Wiseman, sick, wet and coughing, published author

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