Friday, February 11, 2011

Finally Friday, and a long day of writing then a night of scrapping...

I got up early this morning - on purpose, in order to finish editing my latest book.  I will write until around 230p, take a shower, and then pick up my pictures (printed at local site) to take them with me to scrapping night with my now very famous sister in law Holly.  It is Chinese night at the scrapping place, where you 'scrap' from 4pm to 12m and get Chinese food included in the price.  This takes place at the Scrapbook Emporium ( the only store I go to for my scrapping needs.

But the day has just begun, and my monster Boomer is feeling better this morning, and I am so glad.  He seems his normal self this morning, and even demanded a cookie - he knows how to open the pantry door.  He hits it with his head on the door, then it pops open, and he hangs around the pantry - usually you see only his little cute butt sticking out.  Sometimes he even falls asleep laying there, waiting for the cookies... So, I am happy he was begging this morning.  He obviously feels better...and I feel better about going scrapping...

I have not 'scrapped' any pages with pictures as of yet.  I have only made cards, the almost finished calendar and made some cool covers to Tic Tacs that look like snowmen.  So, this night is going to be different for me.  Holly, our friend Michelle and others will be 'scrapping' until midnight.  Holly says I'm a 'newbie' so they will all help me.  I probably will need it.  The pages I am making are of my husband, my friend, and soul mate's career climb up the ladder.  It will be cool - so Holly says.  It was fun going through a million pictures.  And Holly is right.  I really need to put my pictures in albums, and not leave them in baggies or the big box of life...

So, after finishing my blog, I will write until the last minute - and then go 'scrapping'.  It sounds odd.  Right now, Gracie at my feet, Boomer next to me snoring away - and my computer on my knees - I am happily writing away...

D M Wiseman, writing, just chillin' my Friday away published author

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