This morning I woke to Gracie whining, she needed - or wanted to go out. Either way, I got up and she ran out having a grand old time in the newly fallen snow. She rolled, dug, and had snow flying before she even went to the bathroom. I shut the door and went to find the Boomer. He was snuggled in my chair, sleeping soundly, well noisily - snoring up a storm. He opened an eye, then snuggled into the chair, and resumed snoring. He didn't care to get up that early.
I put the tea kettle on, and then let Gracie in. She was wet, out of control, and thrilled to be alive. That is a wonderful way to wake up. She does it everyday, rain or shine (and seems to like the rain alittle bit better than the shine) but she is just a happy dog. When my husband, my friend, my soul mate came down stairs, that's when Boomer woke up and greeted the day. He's happy to wake up, but on his own time table.
I sat down, went through my mail that I didn't get to yesterday, and found our cousin Kelly in Florida had posted notes on Grandpa Elmer's sermons - the one where he compared old shoes, new shoes, to people. I am going to get copies, and hang them down on the wall in our family room - we have pictures of Grandpa Elmer, Jim, Jerry and my father as well. Elmer's sermons will be a wonderful addition to the wall of family. One wall is covered in pictures of Jim's - my late father in law - pictures of his baseball team when he was in little league, swimming teams, things like that. Elmer is in a boat fishing on one wall, the picture of Jim and Barb (my in laws) at their first dance, I could go on for an entire blog on just the pictures we have on the walls.
Upstairs, we have a theme going, hand painted pictures by Jim, Kelly, Grandma Reid, Gram's, Jim, and Mary (an Aunt we adore!) along with the fund raiser picture of ducks on the most wonderful lake in Michigan - Corey Lake in Three Rivers Michigan. Elmer was the director of Camp Eberhart - a YMCA camp that everyone in my husband's family has gone to, worked at, and learned from - it is the basis of our family. I worked there for a week as well as a few special occasions - as the camp RN at the "Say AHH Inn' and both my boys, St and S were campers, counselors in training (CIT's) then Counselors. It is a family heirloom so to speak. Been in the family for four generations and we love that area and the lake.
I will be working within a month, and so hopefully we can go on with our plans to buy on the wonderful Corey Lake - and keep the family tradition to go on and on and on. My grandchildren (when I finally have them) - right now it will be my grand puppy Leo along with Boomer and Gracie - will spend time at Corey Lake. Every baby borne into the family before the first year, goes in Corey Lake. It's like being Christened into our family. Gives me the chills...
D M Wiseman, member of the great family of Corey Lake and published author...
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