I was almost home from my girls over night with my two sisters, Pat and Barb, along with our niece Cherie, when the new storm of the century began. It was a definite blizzard, white out conditions - you know the regular snow storms that we get here in Michigan that the weather men make out to be the END of DAYS. I got home, welcomed the dogs - who acted like I had been gone twenty years, and then made my self a cup of tea.
It is wonderful, being with my dogs, having tea, watching TV, typing away. I also saw that I received another email from my on line only publishing company http://www.smashwords.com/ that I sold another book!! Yeah, that means I am flying now - two in two days! I love it, I'd love it more, if I sold more, but one at a time is just fine...
So, on the way home, in between seeing idiots on the road - a guy in a convertible WITH the top DOWN (no lie, its 20 degrees and snowing...) just driving around. I was next to him for about 4 miles, and he just kept driving - with the top down. I wanted to take a picture to put on one of those emails you get that have captions about idiots doing dumb things, but I needed to drive in the Snow Storm, Blizzard, with the white out conditions. He was not worth getting into an accident for... But I digress... In between seeing idiots, I came up with the next part of the plot for my novel that I am currently working on.
And now, making dinner with my husband, my friend, and soul mate who just walked in from a fire, and who was hungry, I told him of the weekend. We are having a salad from our favorite Italian place "Sila's" in Berkley, with B B Q'd pork chops. What could be better on the last Sunday in the world - since the End of Days is here again, I mean the snow storm of course. Ha. And cursing my son St and K who we dropped off at Metro this am so they could fly to Orlando to visit Mickey and Harry P on their spring break - where it is 76 degrees... yeah. But spending time with my man, and the dogs - not bad. It would be better if we were on a cruise, or in the Bahamas, or even some where warm, but I'll take what I can get...
Having the furnace on, the snow flying, and the dogs doing their after dinner play time, the "Muppet Treasure Island" movie on the HUB channel, I feel blessed. I love spending time doing just this - being lazy and yet, getting some much needed writing done. I was watching "Lemony Snickets" but the Muppet's are just as good, when you're snuggling on the couch.
D M Wiseman, snowed in, and not caring, one more book sold, author...
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