I spoke last night to S who told me that Leo slept all day long. He was exhausted from his week long 'dog park' and so did mine. There was hardly any play at our house either. It's nice to know that Leo needed to rest too. S and V went to see her parents for dinner, and we are going to see them tomorrow night, meet them for dinner. I am looking forward to seeing the pictures.
I would like to go to Jamaica, but I think I would like to go to the Abbaco Islands or St Lucia instead. Or maybe the Grand Cayman Island - there is a ship wreck for diving - supposedly one of the best in relatively shallow - not over 60 feet, so I would be able to dive it. Yes, I have am a scuba diver - and it's beautiful! The colors are unbelievable!!! I would love to go again. But, my husband, my friend, my soul mate dives more than I do. S and V went diving, and S went three times, but V only went 2. It happens like for us too. But, it's so beaufiful, I have to go...
So today I will write, try to get a good amount of the novel done, and make Bar B Q'd Chicken Pizza for dinner. As well as snuggle with my puppies, I need to do that of course, because they really needed it. Boomer needs to snuggle, it's part of his life. I like it too - it's almost a reality check - like taking a Valium so you 'have to' be calm...have to sit for a while, witha puppy on my lap and one at my feet...
D M Wiseman, getting down to the wire, almost going to be working full time, but I'm a published author...
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