Woke up to a softly snoring Gracie with a very noisily snoring Boomer laying on her at the foot of my bed. Both barely moved when I stepped over them. There was no puppy excitedly barking to get up and get the day going. It was too calm. I miss my grand puppy Leo. Even though the day is going along swimmingly, the dogs doing their normal 'get over Leo' kind of day - Gracie is up on the fainting couch passed out sleeping, and Boomer is laying on my right arm as I type, snoring like crazy having apnea episodes, he is sleeping so heavily. Don't worry, I keep waking him...
We are all missing Leo. The dogs are resting, getting caught up on sleep - and I am missing my little puppy. He finally would go up the stairs yesterday - and then we had to take him back to his mommy and daddy. You see, S and V came home from Jamaica, happy, relaxed and tan. They had a grand time and it sounds like I need to talk somebody into an all inclusive trip!!! But, he'll never go to Mexico, or Jamaica but maybe one of the Bahama Islands... I'll work on him...
We are celebrating a birthday today - not mine, you will know when it is my birthday - it is my husband, my friend, my soul mate's birthday today. He has told no one at work and forbid me to call Dora, the department's secretary. I wonder if I should tell one of the fire fighters, who would tell everyone. Doesn't everyone like birthday cake? I love it. But not chocolate - just saying come October - I like white (the boring wonderful wedding cake kind!) with white icing...
I'm just saying what kind of cake, because for the first oh, maybe 20 years of my marriage, I was always given a chocolate cake with chocolate icing - because both St and S along with my husband (etc) love that kind of cake. They didn't know, or remember, until St was out of HS and bought me a cake and apologized because it was NOT chocolate - and I told/reminded him that I didn't like chocolate cake...
I really laugh, because all the days that kids make mommy breakfast in bed - you know Mother's Day, as well as birthdays, I always got woke up (wrong thing to do, if it is MY day! just saying and especially when I am an insomniac that works midnights - if I'm asleep, let me sleep!) with pancakes smothered in maple syrup - and if you knew me, I don't like maple syrup. I would eat it of course, it was made by the boys. So now, when my husband (etc) makes me pancakes, I have blueberry syrup on it. I can tolerate pancakes then...
So, today I am doing laundry, making a wonderful beef and broccoli with rice dinner and have to run out to buy - a chocolate cake with chocolate icing for my husband's (etc) birthday. I also have to finish the card I made on the cricut machine that I began. I also have to get a hold of the place to see if I really did get that job - I was told I am tentatively contingently employed. Cool way to say, almost... I am supposed to start in 7 days, I'd really like to know if I am. I have things to do, like buy new scrubs in a different kind of blue, dust off my stethoscope, get the puppies ready to miss me... You know, things.
I will also write like crazy on my latest book, I really need to get it done, because during orientation, I have to relearn to get up for the day shift, and then relearn to sleep in the day to work the night shift, change the way I will deal with four days of nights, three days of days... I will be able to do this easier, if I have a set schedule - if I know or have the same day off every week. IF I knew that I really am going to start next week. It would be nice, just saying...
D M Wiseman, missing my grand puppy, waiting for another phone call, published author...
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