Thursday, September 1, 2011

I'm officially a loser...

Even though this camp - August version of had 31 days instead of 30 days, but I couldn't do it.  I didn't finish the book.  I didn't make the 50,000 words.  Instead, I was selfish, I slept when I should have been writing.

So, I didn't 'win' this month, but I still feel ok.  I entered a contest that my mom told me about - it's a short story contest for a leading woman's magazine.  Good Housekeeping has contests every so often and this one is about what our lives are like now, as women. 

Well, mine is stressfull compared to my mom's life - she was (when I was growing up) a housewife.  She didn't have a job, didn't have a car, made every thing homemade, and loved us.

I've worked full time, have a car, put myself thru college as I was still trying to keep the house and two kids alive and well as being a good wife etc.  That is what my story is about.  The nine lives that make up the 'me'.  It is only just under 3500 words, thus the short story.

So, a loser, but a contenter in this contest... oh, well.  I just need to wait until February to find out if I even placed!  Well, I will finish my camp novel by then.  I promise!

D M Wiseman, not as bad a loser as I really feel, already published, maybe a winner, author

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