Sunday, July 24, 2011

Well on my way, but a few miles to go...

This past two days, my famous sister in law Holly and I were on a Scrap Hop which is a cool way to learn new 'crop' techniques, visit new stores, and make a couple of handfuls of cards - you go to seven different scrapbook stores, make two cards at each, and learn different ways to make cool cards.  It was done over two days, because real life gets in the way.

As does scrapping with my famous sister in law Holly - I didn't get any writing done for two days, because after spending two days with Holly, I couldn't sit in front of the computer to get my days numbers in - my husband, my friend, my soul mate was needing 'quality time' as well as 'quantity time' and so no writing done. 

NOW I am well into the next chapter, feeling good - my husband etc is going to be doing something to the pool filter after he goes to town to the pool store, so I can write for a good five hours (with a few minutes out to make lunch) until we go to the movies!  So yeah - I may be back on track to writing the a fore mentioned millions of words that I needed to write this weekend to be caught up to win the 's contest...  And tomorrow my husband etc is not working tomorrow either, so I really need to get going...

I only work Monday Tuesday and Wednesday this week, so Thursday I can write - but I'll be at S and V's house while I wait for their new bedroom set - they are still in Arizona.  We are puppy sitting for Leo until August 2nd, so I will need a few hours of quiet by Thursday! 

I am on my way, watching all the puppies taking a nap, watching rerun of a bad attempt at copying the Indiana Jones movies called 'The Librain' series - with Noah Wylie the guy from ER.  I actually like the movies, they are just fun.

D M Wiseman, not going to procrastinate today, published author...

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